github udecode/plate @udecode/plate-core@42.0.0

latest releases: @udecode/plate-test-utils@42.0.1, @udecode/slate@42.0.1, @udecode/plate-core@42.0.1...
one day ago

Major Changes

  • #3920 by @zbeyens

    • Plugin normalizeInitialValue now returns void instead of Value. When mutating nodes, keep their references (e.g., use Object.assign instead of spread).

    • Editor methods have moved to and editor.api. They still exist at the top level for slate backward compatibility, but are no longer redundantly typed. If you truly need the top-level method types, extend your editor type with LegacyEditorMethods (e.g. editor as Editor & LegacyEditorMethods). Since these methods can be overridden by extendEditor, with..., or slate plugins, consider migrating to the following approaches:

      // For overriding existing methods only:
      overrideEditor(({ editor, tf: { deleteForward }, api: { isInline } }) => ({
        transforms: {
          deleteForward(options) {
            // ...conditional override
        api: {
          isInline(element) {
            // ...conditional override
            return isInline(element);

    This was previously done in extendEditor using top-level methods, which still works but now throws a type error due to the move to A workaround is to extend your editor with LegacyEditorMethods.

    Why? Having all methods at the top-level (next to children, marks, etc.) would clutter the editor interface. Slate splits transforms in three places (editor, Editor, and Transforms), which is also confusing. We've reorganized them into tf and api for better DX, but also to support transform-only middlewares in the future. This also lets us leverage extendEditorTransforms, extendEditorApi, and overrideEditor to modify those methods.

    Migration example:

    // From:
    export const withInlineVoid: ExtendEditor = ({ editor }) => {
      const { isInline, isSelectable, isVoid, markableVoid } = editor;
      const voidTypes: string[] = [];
      const inlineTypes: string[] = [];
      editor.pluginList.forEach((plugin) => {
        if (plugin.node.isInline) {
        if (plugin.node.isVoid) {
      editor.isInline = (element) => {
        return inlineTypes.includes(element.type as any)
          ? true
          : isInline(element);
      editor.isVoid = (element) => {
        return voidTypes.includes(element.type as any) ? true : isVoid(element);
      return editor;
    export const InlineVoidPlugin = createSlatePlugin({
      key: 'inlineVoid',
      extendEditor: withInlineVoid,
    // After (using overrideEditor since we're only overriding existing methods):
    export const withInlineVoid: OverrideEditor = ({
      api: { isInline, isSelectable, isVoid, markableVoid },
    }) => {
      const voidTypes: string[] = [];
      const inlineTypes: string[] = [];
      editor.pluginList.forEach((plugin) => {
        if (plugin.node.isInline) {
        if (plugin.node.isVoid) {
      return {
        api: {
          isInline(element) {
            return inlineTypes.includes(element.type as any)
              ? true
              : isInline(element);
          isVoid(element) {
            return voidTypes.includes(element.type as any)
              ? true
              : isVoid(element);
    export const InlineVoidPlugin = createSlatePlugin({
      key: 'inlineVoid',
    • Move editor.redecorate to editor.api.redecorate


    • Rename TRenderElementProps to RenderElementProps
    • Rename TRenderLeafProps to RenderLeafProps
    • Rename TEditableProps to EditableProps

Minor Changes

  • #3920 by @zbeyens

    • Import the following from @udecode/plate-core/react (or @udecode/plate/react) instead of slate-react: RenderPlaceholderProps, DefaultElement, DefaultPlaceholder, Editable, Slate, useComposing, useFocused, useReadOnly, useSelected, withReact.
    • useNodePath is now memoized: it will re-render only when the actual path changes (PathApi.equals). This includes usePath and path element prop.
    • New hook useElementSelector(([node, path]) => selector(node, path), deps, { equalityFn, key }): re-render only when the selector result changes. We highly recommend using this hook over useElement(key) when subscribing to an ancestor element (e.g. table element from a cell element). For example, subscribe to the row size from a cell element without affecting the re-rendering of all row cells:
    const rowSize = useElementSelector(([node]) => node.size, [], {
      key: TableRowPlugin.key,
    • Added a new plugin attribute: SlatePlugin.node.isSelectable. If set to false, the node cannot be selected.
    • The plugin context tf and api now include Editor methods.

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