github ublue-os/bluefin stable-20250309.1
stable-20250309.1: Stable (F41.20250309, #16824c0)

latest release: gts-20250309
one day ago

This is an automatically generated changelog for release stable-20250309.1.

From previous stable version stable-20250305.2 there have been the following changes. One package per new version shown.

Major packages

Name Version
Kernel 6.12.10-200 ➡️ 6.12.13-200
Gnome 47.3-1
Mesa 25.0.0-2
Podman 5.4.0-1
Nvidia 570.124.04-1

Major DX packages

Name Version
Incus 6.10-0.2 ➡️ 6.10.1-0.1
Docker 28.0.1-1
Devpod v0.6.13-1

All Images

Name Previous New
🔄 ImageMagick
🔄 NetworkManager-ssh 1.2.13-2 1.2.13-5
🔄 conmon 2.1.12-3 2.1.13-1
🔄 exfatprogs 1.2.7-1 1.2.8-1
🔄 gnome-shell-extension-logo-menu 0.0.git.294.7c0e569e-1 0.0.git.295.65b7cef9-1
🔄 gnome-shell-theme-yaru 24.04.2-2.20240419git24.04.2.0ubuntu1 24.10.4-1.20250228git24.10.4.0ubuntu1
🔄 grub2-common 2.12-15 2.12-19
🔄 hplip 3.24.4-1 3.24.4-4
🔄 hwdata 0.392-1 0.393-1
🔄 llvm-libs 19.1.7-2 19.1.7-3
🔄 lua-libs 5.4.6-6 5.4.7-3
🔄 python3-boto3 1.37.3-1 1.37.7-1
🔄 vim-common 9.1.1122-1 9.1.1169-1

Dev Experience Images

Name Previous New
🔄 SDL2_image 2.8.4-1 2.8.6-1
🔄 clang-libs 19.1.7-2 19.1.7-3
🔄 cockpit-machines 327-1 328-1
🔄 cockpit-podman 101-1 102-1
🔄 code 1.97.2-1739406869.el8 1.98.0-1741124844.el8
🔄 guestfs-tools 1.53.5-2 1.53.7-1
🔄 kcli 99.0.0.git.202503051235.c8fd8c3-0 99.0.0.git.202503061731.21b08b7-0
🔄 libguestfs 1.55.3-2 1.55.6-1
🔄 libnbd 1.22.0-1 1.22.1-1
🔄 libvirt 10.6.0-6 10.6.0-7
🔄 virt-v2v 2.7.6-1 2.7.7-1
🔄 virt-viewer 11.0-10 11.0-15

How to rebase

For current users, type the following to rebase to this version:

# Get Image Name
IMAGE_NAME=$(jq -r '.["image-name"]' < /usr/share/ublue-os/image-info.json)

# For this Stream
sudo bootc switch --enforce-container-sigpolicy$IMAGE_NAME:stable

# For this Specific Image:
sudo bootc switch --enforce-container-sigpolicy$IMAGE_NAME:stable-20250309.1


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