github ublue-os/bluefin stable-20241203.1
stable-20241203.1: Stable (F41.20241203, #4b7abfb)

latest releases: gts-20241216, stable-20241215, gts-20241208...
17 days ago

This is an automatically generated changelog for release stable-20241203.1.

From previous stable version stable-20241201 there have been the following changes. One package per new version shown.

Major packages

Name Version
Kernel 6.11.3-300
Gnome 47.2-1
KDE 6.2.4-1
Mesa 24.2.7-1
Podman 5.3.1-1
Nvidia 565.57.01-5

Major DX packages

Name Version
Incus 6.7-0.1
Docker 27.3.1-1
Devpod v0.6.2-1 ➡️ v0.6.3-1


Hash Subject
4b7abfb feat(packages): add google-noto-fonts-all (#1996)
027de8d fix: remove background-logo extension, restore gnome-tour (#1997)

All Images

Name Previous New
google-noto-fangsong-kss-rotated-fonts 20240701-2
🔄 ImageMagick
🔄 flatpak 1.15.10-1 1.15.12-1
🔄 kmod-xpadneo 0.9.6^20241101gitbe65dbb-4 0.9.6^20241128git38cd846-5
🔄 vim-common 9.1.866-1 9.1.895-1

Dev Experience Images

Name Previous New
🔄 clevis 21-6 21-7
🔄 edk2-aarch64 20240813-2 20241117-5
🔄 kcli 99.0.0.git.202411292233.af96b7b-0 99.0.0.git.202412031851.64bffba-0
🔄 librados2 19.2.0-2 19.2.0-3
🔄 osbuild 132-1 135-1

Aurora Images

Name Previous New
🔄 kf6-kio-core 6.7.0-2.switcheroo.0.0.git.177.aecb2069 6.8.0-2.switcheroo.0.0.git.202.fb67b7a8

Bluefin Images

Name Previous New
🔄 javascriptcoregtk4.1 2.46.3-1 2.46.4-1

How to rebase

For current users, type the following to rebase to this version:

# Get Image Name
IMAGE_NAME=$(jq -r '.["image-name"]' < /usr/share/ublue-os/image-info.json)

# For this Stream
sudo bootc switch --enforce-container-sigpolicy$IMAGE_NAME:stable

# For this Specific Image:
sudo bootc switch --enforce-container-sigpolicy$IMAGE_NAME:stable-20241203.1


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