github typelevel/cats-effect v1.0.0-RC2

latest releases: v3.6.0-RC1, v3.5.7, v3.5.6...
6 years ago

This is the second and final release candidate before 1.0 — it's not a planned release candidate, but due to a flurry of activity and awesome PRs from FS2, Monix and Http4s contributors, we can't release a 1.0 with so much being added, a total of 35 PRs, which aren't light at all, a record for this project.

List of Changes

New data types:

  1. Resource (doc) — #188
  2. Ref (doc) and Deferred (doc) — #204, #211, #218 and #220
  3. Semaphore (doc) — #205
  4. MVar (doc) — #217, #222, #223, #224
  5. IOApp(doc) — #213, #252

Major behavioral / breaking changes:

  • #232: Require Timer and shift automatically in concurrent operations
  • #237, #254: Restate Concurrent laws to accept auto-cancelable run-loops
  • #241: Move uncancelable to Bracket, change Bracket laws to make acquire and release uncancelable
  • #195, #215 and #261: Add Effect#runSyncStep, fixing #104
  • #248, #258: Introduce Async.asyncF
  • #221: add toIO operation to Effect

Added Features:

  • #191: Add IO#redeemWith, in combination with the future typelevel/cats/pull/2237
  • #214: Add IO#timeout and Concurrent.timeout
  • #236: Bracket instance for Kleisli
  • #234: bracket should work on top of JavaScript via unsafeRunSync
  • #235: remove NonFatal, switch to the standard one
  • #250: Optimize async trampoline, add ContextSwitch
  • #255, #257: use the standard Throwable#addSuppressed in bracket when both use and release throw
  • #253: Add a la carte syntax package, syntax for Bracket and timeouts


  • #201: Docs for parTraverse and parSequence
  • #203: Docs for Resource, Deferred, Ref and Semaphore
  • #238: Docs for Resource

Bug fixes and chores:

  • #225: IOTimer does not use the parameter specified
  • #260: Exclude non-terminating laws from default set
  • #259: Decrease default stackSafeIterationsCount in laws

Getting Involved

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  1. Feedback by joining us on Gitter
  2. Re-tweet the release announcement
  3. Give us a star on GitHub 🙂

Special Thanks

This release was made possible by: @rossabaker, @mpilquist, @SystemFw, @oleg-py, @johnynek, @durban, @ptravers, @stephennancekivell, @gvolpe, @ajaychandran and @alexandru .
(apologies if I forgot anybody)

Thanks to all those involved!

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