github twurple/twurple v6.1.0

latest releases: v7.1.0, v7.1.0-pre.9, v7.1.0-pre.8...
15 months ago

This small feature release includes the revival of the @twurple/easy-bot package as the new recommended way to create a simple, high-level chat bot that has all the methods you'd expect from a chat bot, even with the original chat commands removed from the IRC chat interface by Twitch. It also adds a way to smoothly migrate away from legacy secrets in EventSub via HTTP, as well as a few other minor features.


  • [chat] deprecate coupled message parsing methods (use the new decoupled variants instead) (cac2f31)


  • [easy-bot] add a lot of API related methods to easy-bot main class & command context
  • [easy-bot] add lots of relayed chat events (511b46c)
  • [easy-bot] support cooldowns in createCommand (fcdb8ea, #413)
  • [eventsub-http] add a way to smoothly migrate away from legacy secrets (774c131)
  • [auth] add hasUser and deleteIntents to RefreshingAuthProvider (deda5a4)
  • [api] add HelixChannelApi#getChannelFollowerCount (4b18db7)
  • [chat] forward IRC connection properties/events to ChatClient (d0e6984)
  • [chat] decouple various emote/cheermote parsing functions (cac2f31)
  • [chat] expose parseEmoteOffsets (b3dd792)
  • [eventsub-http] add a way to disable the root route (da85449)
  • [eventsub] expose EventSubSubscription#authUserId (7f793c6)


  • [ebs-helper] update parameter order for EBS Helper methods (aef3cbd, #471)
  • [eventsub] loosen check for winning outcome ID (2449f5a, #339)
  • [api] make userId optional for HelixModeratorFilter (c775322, #474)
  • [api] make userId optional for HelixBanFilter (ba2b9d9)

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