github twisted/twisted twisted-22.8.0rc1
Twisted 22.8.0rc1

pre-release21 months ago

Twisted 22.8.0.rc1 (2022-08-28)


  • twisted.internet.defer.maybeDeferred will now schedule a coroutine result as asynchronous operation and return a Deferred that fires with the result of the coroutine. (#10327)
  • Twisted now works with Cryptography versions 37 and above, and as a result its minimum TLS protocol version has been upgraded to TLSv1.2. (#10377)


  • twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall.__repr__ will no longer raise AttributeError if the DelayedCall was created before debug mode was enabled. As a side-effect, twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall.creator is now defined as None in cases where previously it was undefined. (#8306)
  • twisted.internet.iocpreactor.udp now properly re-queues its listener when there is a failure condition on the read from the socket. (#10052)
  • twisted.internet.defer.inlineCallbacks no longer causes confusing StopIteration tracebacks to be added to the top of tracebacks originating in triggered callbacks (#10260)
  • The typing of twisted.internet.task.react no longer constrains the type of argv. (#10289)
  • ContextVar.reset() now works correctly inside inlineCallbacks functions and coroutines. (#10301)
  • Implement twisted.python.failure._Code.co_positions for compatibility with Python 3.11. (#10336)
  • twisted.pair.tuntap._TUNSETIFF and ._TUNGETIFF values are now correct parisc, powerpc and sparc architectures. (#10339)

Improved Documentation

  • The release process documentation was updated to include information about
    doing a security release. (#10324)
  • The development and policy documentation pages were moved into the same
    directory that is now placed inside the documentation root directory. (#11575)

Deprecations and Removals

  • Python 3.6 is no longer supported.
    Twisted 22.4.0 was the last version with support for Python 3.6. (#10304)




- twisted.conch.checkers.UNIXAuthorizedKeysFiles now uses the filesystem encoding to decode usernames before looking them up in the password database, so it works on Python 3. (#10286)
- twisted.conch.ssh.SSHSession.request_env no longer gives a warning if the session does not implement ISessionSetEnv. (#10347)
- The cftp command line (and `twisted.conch.scripts.cftp.SSHSession.extReceived`) no longer raises an unhandled error when receiving data on stderr from the server. (#10351)


- #10330


  • twisted.web.template.renderElement now combines consecutive, sychronously-available bytes up to a fixed size limit into a single string to pass to IRequest.write instead of passing them all separately. This greatly reduces the number of chunks in the response. (#10348)


- #11604


  • twisted.mail.maildir.MaildirMessage now use byte header to avoid incompatibility with the FileMessage which writes bytes not strings lines to a message file (#10244)



- twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient now splits overly long NOTICEs and NOTICEs containing \n before sending. (#10285)


  • twisted.names.dns logs unparsable messages rather than generating a Failure instance (#9723)



- ``trial --jobs=N --exitfirst`` is now supported. (#9654)

  • trial --jobs=N --until-failure ... now reports the correct number of tests run after each iteration. (#10311)
  • trial -jN ... will now pass errors and failures to IReporter methods as instances of WorkerException instead of str. (#10333)


- #0, #10319, #10338, #11571

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