github twilio/twilio-video.js 2.29.0

14 days ago

2.29.0 (December 6, 2024)


Video Processor V3 support (Beta)

  • AddProcessorOptions.outputFrameBufferContextType = 'bitmaprenderer' is now supported on Safari and Firefox. (VBLOCKS-3643, VBLOCKS-3644)
  • AddProcessorOptions.inputFrameBufferType now has a new value videoframe. On browsers that support VideoFrame, the inputFrameBuffer argument of VideoProcessor.processFrame() will be a VideoFrame. On other supported browsers, it will be an HTMLVideoElement.
  • AddProcessorOptions.outputFrameBufferContextType now has a new value bitmaprenderer. Currently, this is only supported for Chromium-based browsers. On other supported browsers, it falls back to 2d.
  • Patched the build script to work around the issue: markdown-it/linkify-it#111.

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