github twilio/twilio-video.js 2.0.0-beta1

latest releases: 2.29.0, 2.29.0-beta.1, 2.28.2...
pre-release6 years ago

2.0.0-beta1 (August 10, 2018)

Breaking Changes

  • RemoteParticipant no longer emits the deprecated "trackAdded" and "trackRemoved"
    events. Use the "trackSubscribed" and "trackUnsubscribed" events instead.
  • LocalParticipant no longer contains the deprecated addTrack, addTracks,
    removeTrack and removeTracks methods. Use publishTrack, publishTracks,
    unpublishTrack, and unpublishTracks instead.
  • RemoteTrack no longer has the deprecated id property. Use the sid or name
    properties instead.
  • RemoteTrack no longer has the deprecated isSubscribed property. Use the
    corresponding RemoteTrackPublication's isSubscribed property instead.
  • RemoteTrack no longer emits the deprecated "unsubscribed" event. Use the
    corresponding RemoteTrackPublication's "unsubscribed" event instead.
  • Participant's trackPublications collection is now renamed to tracks.
    Similarly, audioTrackPublications is now renamed to audioTracks,
    dataTrackPublications is now renamed to dataTracks, and
    videoTrackPublications is now renamed to videoTracks. Participant no
    longer maintains the deprecated Track-based collections.
  • We removed support for Bower.

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