github twilio/twilio-node 4.0.0-rc.1

latest releases: 5.2.1, 5.2.0, 5.1.1...
pre-release19 months ago

Release Notes

Note: This release contains breaking changes, check our upgrade guide for detailed migration notes.

Library - Fix

Library - Docs

Library - Miscellaneous

Library - Chore

Library - Test

Library - Feature


  • Set the Content resource to have public visibility as Preview
  • Added contentSid and contentVariables to Message resource with public visibility as Beta
  • Add UserDefinedMessageSubscription and UserDefinedMessage resource
  • Make link shortening parameters public (breaking change)
  • Added virtual-agent to usage_record API.
  • Add AMD attributes to participant create request
  • Remove beta feature from scheduling params and remove optimize parameters. (breaking change)
  • Added amazon-polly to usage_record API.


  • Allowed to use identity as part of Participant's resource (breaking change)


  • Adding new assessments api in version v1
  • Adding new parameter base_url to 'gooddata' response in version v1
  • Adding two new authorization API 'user_roles' and 'gooddata' in version v1
  • Removed redundant close status from Flex Interactions flow (breaking change)
  • Adding debugger_integration and flex_ui_status_report to Flex Configuration
  • Add status, error_code, and error_message fields to Interaction Channel
  • Adding messenger and gbm as supported channels for Interactions API


  • Added answered_by field in List Call Summary
  • Added answered_by field in call summary
  • Added annotation field in call summary
  • Added new endpoint to fetch/create/update Call Annotations


  • Add identity_match package to the lookup response
  • Remove enhanced_line_type from the lookup response (breaking change)
  • Adding support for Lookup V2 API


  • Added validated parameter to Link Shortening API
  • Add new Campaign properties (MessageFlow, OptInMessage, OptInKeywords, OptOutMessage, OptOutKeywords, HelpMessage, HelpKeywords)
  • Add create, list and get tollfree verification API
  • Update alpha_sender docs with new valid characters


  • added oauth JWKS endpoint
  • Get userinfo resource
  • OpenID discovery resource
  • Add new API for token endpoint


  • Remove FailOnParticipantConflict param from Proxy Session create and update and Proxy Participant create


  • Remove Duplicate Create Method - Update Method will work even if Inbound Processing Region is currently empty/404. (breaking change)
  • Inbound Proccessing Region API - Public GA


  • Add node16 as a valid Build runtime
  • Add ie1 and au1 as supported regions for all endpoints.


  • Corrected PII labels to be 30 days and added context to be PII


  • Update SettingsUpdates resource to remove PackageSid
  • Add SettingsUpdates resource
  • Allow updating DataLimit on a Fleet
  • Add support for sim_ip_addresses resource to helper libraries


  • Add Ordering query parameter to Workers and TaskQueues for sorting by
  • Add worker_sid query param for list reservations endpoint


  • Update Verify Push endpoints to ga maturity
  • Verify BYOT add Channels property to the Get Templates response
  • Verify SafeList API endpoints added.
  • Reorder Verification Check parameters so code stays as the first parameter (breaking change)
  • Rollback List Attempts API V2 back to pilot stage.
  • Changed summary param service_sid to verify_service_sid to be consistent with list attempts API (breaking change)
  • Make code optional on Verification check to support sna attempts.
  • Remove api.verify.totp beta flag and set maturity to beta for Verify TOTP properties and parameters. (breaking change)
  • Changed summary param verify_service_sid to service_sid to be consistent with list attempts API (breaking change)


  • Add Anonymize API


  • Add new speech models to Gather.
  • Add url and method attributes to <Conversation>
  • Add requireMatchingInputs attribute and input-matching-failed errorType to <Prompt>
  • Add AMD attributes to Number and Sip
  • Update event value call-in-progress to call-answered
  • Add new Polly Neural voices
  • Add new languages to SSML <lang>.
  • Add maxQueueSize to Enqueue
  • Add statusCallbackMethod attribute, nested <Config and <Parameter> elements to <VirtualAgent> noun.
  • Add support for new Amazon Polly voices (Q2 2022) for Say verb
  • Add support for <Conversation> noun


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