github twentyhq/twenty v0.2.2
Job & Workers support, Monorepo migration

latest releases: v0.42.6, v0.42.5, v0.42.4...
14 months ago


  • Upcoming feature — Messaging: This feature is still behind feature flag but we are making good progress. Development of data models for upcoming messaging feature, enhancements in GraphQL and REST API documentation, and implementation of sync drivers for queue messages. Some parts of the frontend are also complete (e.g. account connection).
  • Developer experience — Monorepo + Vite + APs: Migration to a monorepo structure, along with updates to scripts, documentation, and Jest configuration to support this new architecture. Vite 5 integration for frontend enhancement and improvements in Docker install process. Big enhancements in GraphQL and REST API documentation.
  • Continuous improvement: Improving handling of exceptions and optimizing database interactions. Various UI improvements like fixing the display of buttons, icons, and tables, and adding skeleton loading.

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