github tweag/nickel 1.1.1

latest releases: 1.7.0, 1.6.0, 1.5.0...
12 months ago

This version mostly includes bugfixes and stdlib improvement since 1.0. 1.1.0 has been immediately followed by 1.1.1, because of a missing README issue on the new nickel-lang-cli crate published to Because crates on are immutable, we had to bump the minor version.

IMPORTANT: The main crate nickel-lang has been split between nickel-lang-cli (the binary) and nickel-lang-core (the library). If you're using cargo to install Nickel, please uninstall the previous crate by running cargo uninstall nickel-lang, and from now one use cargo install nickel-lang-cli to install 1.1 and do further updates.


  • Encode more pre-conditions of stdlib functions as additional contracts,
    replacing dynamic type errors with nice contract errors by @yannham in #1358
  • ArraySliceFun incorrectly excluded the length of the array as the end index by @vkleen in #1396


  • Improve the pretty printing of terms in the CLI and within error messages @vkleen in #1262
  • Fix LSP panic when importing JSON by @yannham in #1382
  • Fix LSP hanging under certain conditions involving external imports by @yannham in #1390
  • Better error message when contract makes certain rows illegal by @Radvendii in #1323
  • Fix function params hovering in the LSP by @yannham in #1395
  • Fix LSP infinite loop on hovering on external imports by @yannham in #1397


  • Fixes incorrect variable names in type mismatch errors by @vkleen in #1313
  • Improve error messages for polymorphic tail parametricity violations by @matthew-healy in #1320
  • Fix panic on duplicated top-level idents in record destructuring by @matthew-healy in #1324
  • Prevent panic when parsing record type with field path by @matthew-healy in #1325
  • Give a better error message when trying to query a non-record by @jneem in #1326
  • Fix error position by @jneem in #1333
  • Fix panic when interpolating fields in a record type by @jneem in #1332
  • Fix type annotations not generating contracts by @yannham in #1379
  • Fix typechecker looping by adding missing check for unifying equal type vars by @yannham in #1400
  • Fix panic on function contract failure (position of arrow functions not set) by @yannham in #1407

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