Stable Version 1.2412 (April 12, 2008)
- Fix: The total file system depth was limited to 4095 characters by FUSE and trying to access files and directories deeper gave “No such file or directory” error. If NTFS-3G is compiled with an external FUSE library (non-default on Linux), then FUSE CVS is needed until FUSE 2.8.0 is released.
- Fix: The symlink(2) system call failed or the size was truncated at modulo 256 if the old path was over 255 bytes.
- Fix: Unprivileged mount may have been denied because supplementary groups were dropped too early as a security measure.
- Fix: Unprivileged mount may have been denied if the /etc/fuse.conf file wasn’t properly configured. This was redundant and the /etc/fuse.conf file is not required anymore.
- Fix: Updating hard link attributes was delayed by one second which resulted softwares seeing their file sizes and timestamps incorrectly during this time interval.
- Fix: The ‘noatime’ mount option additionally and unconditionally was passed to FUSE.