github turtlecoin/turtlecoin v1.0.0

latest release: v1.0.1
3 years ago



Master Build Status

Build Status

Special Notes

Upgrade to this release is required

Network Upgrade at block 3,000,000

This release includes a mandatory network upgrade at block 3,000,000 that implements a change to the Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm for the network to Chukwa v2 (1 Thread, 1MB memory, 4 iterations). Pools, nodes, and services are required to upgrade to this new PoW to continue mining blocks at block 3,000,000 as blocks mined with the previous version of Chukwa will be rejected.

Daemon API Changes

The daemon API has changed significantly in this version. The vast majority of the API calls have been removed, migrated, or otherwise adjusted such that all services using such API require that you perform updates to your packages. The API calls have moved to a most RESTful approach and the endpoint routes have changed. Please see for information on what the new API looks like and update your packages accordingly.

Note: Please be mindful when updating your packages that the property names in the returned responses including their name, case, structure, and/or data type may have changed.

Client / Wallet Upgrades are Mandatory

The API changes indicated in the daemon require that you use the latest version of the core wallet software. If you use a wallet other than wallet-api or zedwallet++ that wallet software must be updated to support the new API. As such using older wallet software with public node(s) that have upgraded to this release will fail until your wallet software is upgraded.

End of Life (EOL) and End of Support (EOS) Notice

Please note that v0.28.3 was the last release to contain turtle-service. This release no longer contains the turtle-service binaries or source code and thus is no longer supported. You must convert to wallet-api to continue working with the network as it is the only service to be upgraded in conjunction with numerous daemon API changes. If you have not converted your wallet(s) and or services over to Proton, zedwallet, or wallet-api you are encouraged to do so now. Should you experience any issues working with wallet-api, please make sure that you open an issue so that the issue may be resolved as quickly as possible.

Legacy Wallet Support Removed

Support for legacy wallets (ie. those created with simplewallet and/or turtle-service) has been removed from the project. We highly suggest that you upgrade your wallet(s) using a prior version of the core suite via wallet-api or zedwallet++ or recreate your wallets from the recovery mnemonic or keys using zedwallet or wallet-api.

As always, make sure you have backed up your keys as that is the only foolproof way to restore your wallet in the event of an issue.

Release Notes

General Updates

  • Bump version to 1.0.0
  • Removed turtle-service
  • Removed NodeRpcProxy
  • Removed support for legacy wallet versions
  • Removed WalletUpgrader
  • Removed support for upgrading legacy wallets to new wallet format
  • Removed WalletGreen
  • Implemented consensus change at block 3,000,000 via major block v7 to Chukwa v2
  • Replaced all usage of nlohmann::json with rapidjson
  • Updated coverage of TX_EXTRA field parsing
  • Numerous CI/CD process changes in support of newer GH runners

TurtleCoind Updates

  • Required P2P minimum version bump to v11
  • Upgraded API endpoints to RESTful style calls (see.
  • Resolved a bug in the retrieval of headers such that the iterator was decrementing below 0 and thus trying to look for blocks that will not exist
  • Change the /indexes endpoint to be inclusive of the end height supplied
  • Added explorer property to the /info API call
  • Adjusted TX_EXTRA field ordering in block templates such that they are ordered by tag type (ascending)
  • Catch and handle segfaults when block is not found in some explorer methods

zedwallet++ Updates

  • Updated user expoded file path opening with error messages
  • Added --reset CLI flag
  • Added rewind to height CLI flag
  • Updated WalletBackend to rewind on subwallet import

wallet-api Updates

  • Updated WalletBackend to rewind on subwallet import
  • Added rewind endpoint (see documentation for more information)
  • Prevent the import of wallets that already exist in the wallet container
  • Update Regex matchers in API endpoints

miner Updates

  • Updated support for new daemon API
  • Updated support for Chukwa v2

cryptotest Updates

  • Inclusion of Chukwa v2 test hashes and verification

Known Issues

  • N/A

How To Sync Quickly

Visit the checkpoints how to use site for simple to follow directions on using checkpoints.

How To Compile

Please see the How To Compile section of the project README for instructions on how to compile this release on your system.


See the TurtleCoin Release page for the full change history.


Cryptonote Developers, Bytecoin Developers, Forknote Project, TurtleCoin Community

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