github tstack/lnav v0.12.0-beta1

latest releases: v0.12.3-beta2, v0.12.3-beta1, v0.12.2...
pre-release8 months ago

lnav v0.12.0


  • Added a Gantt Chart view to visualize operations over time
    based on the "opid" in log messages. The view shows
    the operation IDs, a description of the operation captured
    from log messages, and a bar representing the period of
    time that the operation was running.
  • Added the :sh command and -e option to execute a shell
    command-line and display its output within lnav. The
    captured output will be displayed in the TEXT view. The
    lines from stdout and stderr are recorded separately so
    that the lines from stderr can be shown in the theme's
    "error" highlight. The time that the lines were received
    are also recorded internally so that the "time-offset"
    display (enabled by pressing Shift + T) can be shown
    and the "jump to slow-down" hotkeys (s/Shift + S)
    work. Since the line-by-line timestamps are recorded
    internally, they will not interfere with timestamps that
    are in the commands output.
  • Added a :cd command to change lnav's current directory.
  • Added support for automatically converting files that are
    in a format not natively supported by lnav. The new
    converter section in a log format definition allows you
    to specify how a file type can be detected and converted.
    The built-in PCAP support in lnav is implemented using
    this mechanism.
  • Added a shell_exec() SQLite function that executes a
    command-line with the user's $SHELL and returns the
  • Added support for custom URL schemes that are handled by an
    lnav script. Schemes can be defined under
    /tuning/url-schemes. See the main docs for more details.
  • Added docker:// and podman:// URL schemes that can be
    used to tail the logs for containers (e.g.
    docker://my-container) or files within a container (e.g.
    docker://my-serv/var/log/dpkg.log). Containers mentioned
    in a "Compose" configuration file can be tailed by using
    compose as the host name with the path to the configuration
    file (e.g. docker://compose/compose.yaml).
  • Added an :annotate command that can trigger a call-out
    to a script to analyze a log message and generate an
    annotation that is attached to the message. The script
    is executed asynchronously, so it will not block input
    and the result is saved in the session. Annotations are
    defined in the /log/annotations configuration property.
  • Timestamps with numeric timezone offsets (or Z) are now
    automatically converted to the local time zone. For
    example, a timestamp ending in -03:00 will be treated
    as three hours behind UTC and then adjusted to the local
    timezone. This feature can be disabled by setting the
    /log/date-time/convert-zoned-to-local configuration
    property to false. Timestamps without a zone or have
    a symbolic zone name (e.g. PDT) are not converted.
  • Added the SQLite JSON functions to the online help.
  • Added config get and config blame management CLI
    commands to get the current configuration and the file
    locations where the configuration options came from.
  • When piping data into lnav's stdin, the input used to
    only be written to a single file without any rotation.
    Now, the input is written to a directory of rotating files.
    The same is true for the command-lines executed through the
    new :sh command. The piped data can be managed using the
    new piper commands in the management CLI.
  • The $LNAV_HOME_DIR and $LNAV_WORK_DIR environment
    variables are now defined inside lnav and refer to
    the location of the user's configuration directory and
    the directory where cached data is stored, respectively.
  • The <pre> and <img> tags are now recognized in
    Markdown files.
  • The style attribute in <span> tags is now supported.
    The following CSS properties and values are supported:
    • color and background-color with CSS color names
    • font-weight with a value of bold or bolder
    • text-decoration with underline
    • border-left and border-right with the solid,
      dashed and dotted line styles and colors.
  • Added an options column to the lnav_views table
    to allow more control over overlays.
  • Added a "Dracula" theme as described at:
  • Added the following styles for themes:
    • /ui/theme-defs/<theme_name>/syntax-styles/inline-code
    • /ui/theme-defs/<theme_name>/syntax-styles/type
    • /ui/theme-defs/<theme_name>/syntax-styles/function
    • /ui/theme-defs/<theme_name>/syntax-styles/separators-references-accessors
  • Multi-line block comments (i.e. /* ... */) and strings
    are now recognized and styled as appropriate.
  • Added error and data columns to the fstat()
    table-valued-function. The error column is non-NULL
    if there is a problem accessing the file. The data
    contains the contents of the file, as such, it is
    hidden by default.
  • Added a log format for Redis.
  • The :eval command will now treat its argument(s) as a
    script, allowing multiple commands to be executed.
  • Added a timezone() SQL function for converting a timestamp
    to a target timezone.
  • Added a :convert-time-to command that converts the
    timestamp of the focused log message to the given timezone.
  • Added the :set-file-timezone and :clear-file-timezone
    commands to set the timezone for log messages that don't
    include a zone in their timestamp.
  • Added the options_path and options columns to the
    lnav_file table so you can see what options are applied
    to a file. Currently, the only option is the default
    timezone that is set by the :set-file-timezone command.
  • Added the config file-options management command that
    can be used to examine the options that will be applied
    to a given file.
  • When viewing a diff, the sections of the diff for each
    file is recognized and shown in the breadcrumb bar. So,
    you can see the file the focused line is in. You can
    also jump to a particular file by focusing on the
    breadcrumb bar, selecting the crumb, and then selecting
    the desired file.
  • Binary files are now displayed as a hex dump with ASCII
    representation (where applicable).
  • Added a log_msg_line() SQL function that will return the
    line number of the start of the currently focused
    message in the log view.
  • Added a log_msg_values column to the all_logs SQL
    table that contains a JSON object with the top 5 values
    for the fields extracted from the log message.
  • Added Nextcloud log format from Adam Monsen.

Bug Fixes:

  • Binary data piped into stdin should now be treated the same
    as if it was in a file that was passed on the command-line.
  • The -I option is now recognized in the management CLI
    (i.e. when you run lnav with the -m flag).
  • Fields in the bro and w3c log formats that were hidden are
    now saved in the session and restored.
  • A warning will now be issued if a timestamp in a log format's
    sample message does not match completely. Warnings in the
    configuration can be viewed by passing the -W flag.
  • Importing from broke due to some changes in the
  • The details overlay for a log message no longer shows keys
    for unknown JSON properties. These extra fields are now
    shown with the proper jget(log_raw_text, '/...') SQL
    expression needed to retrieve the value.
  • Improved text-wrapping when rendering Markdown.

Interface changes:

  • The breadcrumb bar hotkey is moving to backtick `
    instead of ENTER.
  • The DB view now uses the "alt-text" theme style to draw
    alternating rows instead of being hard-coded to bold. The
    alternation is also now done in groups of two rows instead
    of only a single row. Numbers are also rendered using the
    "number" theme style as well.
  • The log message overlay in the LOG view is now limited
    2/3rds of the height. You can focus on the overlay panel
    by pressing CTRL-]. The "alt-text" theme style is also
    used to draw the overlay contents now as well. (The
    overlay is used to display the parser details, comments,
    and annotations.)
  • Added indent guidelines when structured data is detected.

Breaking changes:

  • Removed the -w command-line option. This option was
    useful when stdin was not automatically preserved. Since
    the data is now stored (and cleaned up) as well as being
    spread across multiple files, this option doesn't make
    sense anymore.
  • Removed the -t command-line flag. Text data fed in
    on stdin and captured from a :sh execution is
    automatically timestamped.
  • Data piped into lnav is now stored in the work
    directory instead of the stdin-captures dot-lnav
  • Changed the "Bunyan" log format name from bunyan to
    bunyan_log to be consistent with other format names.

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