github tstack/lnav v0.11.0
lnav v0.11.0

latest releases: v0.12.3-beta2, v0.12.3-beta1, v0.12.2...
2 years ago

lnav is an advanced log file viewer for the terminal. It can quickly parse and index log files and display them in a single combined view with syntax highlighting.



  • Linux - A statically linked 64-bit musl binary for linux.
    You can also install via Snap on Linux:

    $ snap install lnav
  • MacOS - A statically linked binary for MacOS.

    You can also install via brew:

    brew install lnav

New in this release


  • Redesigned the top status area to allow for user-specified
    messages and added a second line that displays an interactive
    breadcrumb bar. The top status line now shows the clock and
    the remaining area displays whatever messages are inserted
    into the lnav_user_notifications table. The information that
    was originally on top is now in a second line and organized
    as breadcrumbs. Pressing ENTER will activate the breadcrumb bar
    and the left/right cursor keys can be used to select a particular
    crumb while the up/down keys can select a value to switch to.
    While a crumb is selected, you can also type in some text to do
    a fuzzy search on the possibilities or, if the crumb represents
    an array of values, enter the index to jump to.
  • The pretty-print view will now show breadcrumbs that indicate the
    location of the top line in the view with the prettified structure.
  • Markdown files (those with a .md extension) are now rendered in the
    TEXT view. The breadcrumb bar at the top will also be updated
    depending on the section of the document that you are in and you
    can use it to jump to different parts of the doc.
  • The ":goto" command will now accept anchor links (i.e. #section-id)
    as an argument when the text file being viewed has sections. You
    can also specify an anchor when opening a file by appending
    "#". For example, "".
  • Log message comments are now treated as markdown and rendered
    accordingly in the overlay. Multi-line comments are now supported
    as well.
  • Metadata embedded in files can now be accessed by the
    "lnav_file_metadata" table. Currently, only the front-matter in
    Markdown files is supported.
  • Added an integration with to make it easier to edit
    log message regular expressions. Using the new "management CLI"
    (activated by the -m option), a log format can be created from
    a regular expression entry on and existing patterns
    can be edited.
  • In the spectrogram view, the selected value range is now shown by
    an overlay that includes a summary of the range and the number of
    values that fall in that range. There is also a detail panel at
    the bottom that shows the log-messages/DB-rows whose values are in
    that range. You can then press TAB to focus on the detail view
    and scroll around.
  • Add initial support for pcap(3) files using tshark(1).
  • SQL statement execution can now be canceled by pressing CTRL+]
    (same as canceling out of a prompt).
  • To make it possible to automate some operations, there is now an
    "lnav_events" table that is updated when internal events occur
    within lnav (e.g. opening a file, format is detected). You
    can then add SQLite TRIGGERs to this table that can perform a
    task by updating other tables.
  • Tags can automatically be added to messages by defining a pattern
    in a log format. Under a format definition, add the tag name
    into the "tags" object in a format definition. The "pattern"
    property specifies the regular expression to match against a line
    in a file that matches the format. If a match is found, the tag
    will be applied to the log message. To restrict matches to
    certain files, you can add a "paths" array whose object elements
    contain a "glob" property that will be matched against file names.
  • Log messages can now be detected automatically via "watch
    expressions". These are SQL expressions that are executed for
    each log message. If the expressions evaluates to true, an
    event is published to the "lnav_events" table that includes the
    message contents.
  • Added the "regexp_capture_into_json()" table-valued-function that
    is similar to "regexp_capture()", but returns a single row with a
    JSON value for each match instead of a row for each capture.
  • Added a "top_meta" column to the lnav_views table that contains
    metadata related to the top line in the view.
  • Added a "log_opid" hidden column to all log tables that contains
    the "operation ID" as specified in the log format.
  • Moved the "log_format" column from the all_logs table to a hidden
    column on all tables.
  • Add format for UniFi gateway.
  • Added a "glob" property to search tables defined in log formats
    to constrain searches to log messages from files that have a
    matching log_path value.
  • Initial indexing of large files should be faster. Decompression
    and searching for line-endings are now pipelined, so they happen
    in a thread that is separate from the regular expression matcher.
  • Writing to the clipboard now falls back to OSC 52 escape sequence
    if none of the clipboard commands could be detected. Your
    terminal software will need to support the sequence and you may
    need to explicitly enable it in the terminal.
  • Added the ":export-session-to " command that writes the
    current session state to a file as a list of commands/SQL
    statements. This script file can be executed to restore the
    majority of the current state.
  • Added the "echoln()" SQL function that behaves similarly to the
    ":echo" command, writing its first argument to the current
  • Added "encode()" and "decode()" SQL functions for transcoding
    blobs or text values using one of the following algorithms:
    base64, hex, or uri.
  • In regular expressions, capture group names are now semantically
    highlighted (e.g. in the capture, (?\w+), "name" would
    have a unique color). Also, operations or previews that use
    that regular expression will highlight the matched data with
    the same color.
  • Added an lnav_views_echo table that is a real SQLite table that
    you can create TRIGGERs on in order to perform actions when
    scrolling in a view.
  • Added a "yaml_to_json()" SQL function that converts a YAML
    document to the equivalent JSON.

Breaking Changes

  • Formats definitions are now checked to ensure that values have a
    corresponding capture in at least one pattern.
  • Added a 'language' column to the lnav_view_filters table that
    specifies the language of the 'pattern' column, either 'regex'
    or 'sql'.
  • Timestamps that do not have a day or month are rewritten to a
    full timestamp like YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
  • Removed the summary overlay at the bottom of the log view that
    displayed things like "Error rate" and the time span. It doesn't
    seem like anyone used it.
  • Removed the "log_msg_instance" column from the logline and search
    tables since it causes problems with performance.
  • Search tables now search for multiple matches within a message
    instead of stopping at the first hit. Each additional match is
    returned as a separate row. A "match_index" column has been
    added to capture the index of the match within the message.
    The table regex is also compiled with the "multiline" flag enabled
    so the meaning of the '^' and '$' metacharacters are changed
    to match the start/end of a line instead of the start/end of
    the entire message string.
  • Search tables defined in formats are now constrained to only
    match log messages that are in that log format instead of all
    log messages. As a benefit, the search table now includes
    the columns that are defined as part of the format.
  • The lnav_view_filters table will treats the tuple of
    (view_name, type, language, pattern) as a UNIQUE index and
    will raise a conflict error on an INSERT. Use "REPLACE INTO"
    instead of "INSERT INTO" to ignore conflict error.
  • The types of SQL values stored as local variables in scripts
    is now preserved when used as bound variables at a later point
    in the script.


  • Toggling enabled/disabled filters when there is a SQL expression
    no longer causes a crash.
  • Fix a crash related to long lines that are word wrapped.
  • Multiple SQL statements in a SQL block of a script are now
    executed instead of just the first one.
  • In cases where there were many different colors on screen, some
    text would be colored incorrectly.
  • The pretty-print view now handles ANSI escape sequences.
  • The "overstrike" convention for doing bold and underline is now
    supported. (Overstrike is a character followed by a backspace
    and then the same character for bold or an underscore for
  • The ":eval" command now works with searching (using the '/'

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