github ts-rest/ts-rest v3.23.0

latest releases: v3.45.2, @ts-rest/vue-query@3.45.2, @ts-rest/solid-query@3.45.2...
12 months ago


Minor Changes

  • 74bb4a8: Implement strict mode at a contract level. Strict mode ensures that only known responses are allowed by the type system. This applies both on the server and client side. Enable this with strictStatusCodes: true when defining a contract. If you would like to have the vanilla client throw an error when the response status is not known then you will need to use throwOnUnknownStatus when initializing the client.
  • df77869: Response headers are now exposed to clients. Users of custom API fetchers should start returning headers.
  • 74e41dc: Add 'metadata' property to routes


If you are using a custom API fetcher, you need to start returning response headers from your fetcher as a Web API Headers interface.

If you are using fetch, just simply return response.headers.

If you are using axios, you can return new Headers(response.headers.toJSON())


Minor Changes

  • 74bb4a8: Implement strict mode at a contract level. Strict mode ensures that only known responses are allowed by the type system. This applies both on the server and client side. Enable this with strictStatusCodes: true when defining a contract. If you would like to have the vanilla client throw an error when the response status is not known then you will need to use throwOnUnknownStatus when initializing the client.
  • 74e41dc: Add middleware directly through ts-rest with type-safe injected route object


Minor Changes

  • 74bb4a8: Implement strict mode at a contract level. Strict mode ensures that only known responses are allowed by the type system. This applies both on the server and client side. Enable this with strictStatusCodes: true when defining a contract. If you would like to have the vanilla client throw an error when the response status is not known then you will need to use throwOnUnknownStatus when initializing the client.


Minor Changes

  • 74bb4a8: Implement strict mode at a contract level. Strict mode ensures that only known responses are allowed by the type system. This applies both on the server and client side. Enable this with strictStatusCodes: true when defining a contract. If you would like to have the vanilla client throw an error when the response status is not known then you will need to use throwOnUnknownStatus when initializing the client.



Minor Changes

  • df77869: Response headers are now exposed to clients. Users of custom API fetchers should start returning headers.


Minor Changes

  • df77869: Response headers are now exposed to clients. Users of custom API fetchers should start returning headers.

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