github trufflesuite/ganache v2.13.2
v2.13.2 – Taco Tuesday 🌮

latest releases: v7.9.2, ganache@7.9.2, v7.9.1...
2 years ago

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We're moving to a betalatest release pipeline, where all non-hotfix changes are first released in a beta before being promoted to a stable release.

We'd love it if you'd start using the latest betas and let us know early and often if you find any bugs or regressions!


v2.13.2 – Taco Tuesday 🌮

It's Tuesday. And you know what that means, don't you? Tacos! And tacos are delicious. And do you know what else is delicious? This release! It's got a couple of new bug fixes you'll want to check out, especially if you use the forking feature.

Bon appetit!

How to Upgrade

Upgrade to the latest version of ganache-core by running:


npm uninstall ganache-core
npm install ganache-core@latest


yarn remove ganache-core
yarn add ganache-core@latest



  • fix: add removed field to Log JSON (#651)
  • fix: storage value encoding in forked trie. (#658)
  • fix: handle failure to retrieve net_version when forking (#676)


  • chore: update eth-sig-util to v3.0.0 (#711)

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