github trucki-eu/Trucki2Shelly-Gateway T2SG_V1.12

11 months ago

T2SG 1.12 16.07.2023 06:56

Special thanks to: Dirk, Marco, Bernhard, Michael and Christian!

1.12: 16.07.23:
: + PowerFox Poweropti meter support (thx to Marco!): meter_url = http://IP/rpc, json_keys = result
: + ZEPC "use display feedback" option for slower zepc control with feedback
: + Nightmode: Different maxPower at night
: + DNS, NTP-TimeServer, TimeZone for nightmode
: + Meter invert checkbox to *(-1) meter readout value. For reverse mounted Shelly's 3EM.
: + Admin password for Webinterface
: + DarkTheme

: + If zepc average <= 0 then average = 1, if negative then *(-1)
: + Set meter_power = 0W if meter not found for 10x interval(typ 500ms); before it was 3x
: + UDP connection SUN2/3 declared as lost after ~20s no packet. Before it was 5s
: + If vbatreboot <= vbatcutoff -> reboot = cutoff + 0.1V
: + Meter will be diabled if ZEPC = Linked
: + Synch. saving of parameters
: + Don't reload WebIf page on Save, ZEPC enable
: + New Meter readout function with less ram usage
: + Wifi sleep mode disabled for more wifi stability
: + Send 0W to Trucki PCB/ SUN Stick after 30s Wifi discon.,before WifiManager, and on reboot
: + WifiManager resets the device every 300s. Even during configuration!

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