Bug fixes:
- [logs] Make the log about new version more accurate (#10903 by jmcbri)
- [tls,k8s/crd,k8s] Enforce default cipher suites list (#10907 by rtribotte)
- [acme] Modify certificatesDuration documentation (#10920 by peacewalker122)
- [api] Improve explanation on API exposition (#10926 by mloiseleur)
- [docker,consul,rancher,ecs] Improve doc on sensitive data stored into labels/tags (#10873 by emilevauge)
- [docker,logs] Improve error and documentation on the needed link between router and service (#10262 by mloiseleur)
- [docker] Document Docker port selection on multiple exposed ports (#10935 by mbrodala)
- Update the supported versions table for v3.1 release (#10933 by jnoordsij)
- Update PR approval process (#10887 by emilevauge)