github tpm2-software/tpm2-tools 3.0

latest releases: 5.5.1, 5.6.1, 5.7...
6 years ago

3.0 - 2017-12-08

  • tpm2_getmanufec: -O as a flag for -f has changed. -O is for existing EK public structure
    and -f is only for generated EK public output.
  • tpm2_nvlist: output in yaml format.
  • tpm2_makecredential format changes to the -o output file.
  • tpm2-quote: -o option removed.
  • tpm2_rsaencrypt: -I is now an argument and input defaults to stdin. -o is optional and
    defaults to stdout.
  • tpm2_listpersistent: output friendly object attributes.
  • tpm2_createprimary: support friendly object attributes via -A. -H becomes auth
  • tpm2_create: support friendly object attributes via -A.
  • tpm2_nvwrite and tpm2_nvread have support for satisfying PCR policies.
  • tpm2_encryptdecrypt: has support for EncryptDecrypt2 command.
  • tpm2_nvwrite: -f option removed, support for stdin data supported. Support for starting
    index to write to.
  • errata framework added for dealing with spec errata.
  • tpm2_quote: -G option for signature hash algorithm specification.
  • tpm2_dump_capability: renamed to tpm2_getcap.
  • tpm2_send_command: renamed to tpm2_send and the input file is now an
    argument vs using -i.
  • tpm2_dump_capability: outputs human readable command codes.
  • camelCase options are now all lower case. For example, --camelCase becomes --camel-case.
  • tpm2_quote,readpublic, and sign now have support for pem/der output/inputs. See the
    respective man pages for more details.
  • tpm2_nvread: Has an output file option, -f.
  • manpages: Are now in Markdown and converted to roff using pandoc.
  • tpm2_create - options 'o' and 'O' changed to 'u' and 'r' respectively.
  • tpm2_pcrlist: support yaml output for parsing.
  • tpm2_pcrevent: new tool for hashing and extending pcrs.
  • Make tpm2_{createprimary,create,load,pcrlist,hmac} tools to support the --quiet option.
  • Support for a --quiet option to suppress messages printed by tools to standard output.
  • tpm2_hmac: support for files greater than 1024 bytes, changes in options and arguments.
  • tpm2_hash: support for files greater than 1024 bytes, changes in options and arguments.
  • Install is now to bin vs sbin. Ensure that sbin tools get removed!
  • make dist and distcheck are now working.
  • installation into customized locations are now working, see issue #402 for details.
  • tpm2_pcrlist: renamed from tpm2_listpcrs.
  • tpm2_pcrextend: new tool for extending PCRs.
  • tpm2_getmanufec: -E option no longer required, defaults to stdout.
  • tpm2_nvlist: Support for friendly nv attributes in output.
  • Support for friendly algorithm names for algorithm identifiers.
  • tpm2_nvread: The option, -s, or size option is no longer required.
  • tpm2_nvwrite: fixed to write files larger than 1024 in size.
  • tpm2_nvread: fixed to read files larger than 1024 in size.
  • tpm2_nvdefine supports "nice-names" for nv space attributes.
  • Support using PCR Policy directly with tpm2_unseal tool.
  • Support PCR policy creation in tpm2_createpolicy
  • Support using a policy session as input to tools that may need to satisfy complex policies
    other than password.
  • tpm2_unseal: supports output to stdoud.
  • tpm2_create: enforce policy based authorization.
  • tpm2_createprimary: add ability to create objects with policy based authorization.
  • tpm2_nvdefine: add ability to create nv indexes with policy based authorization.
  • Support Clang Build.
  • tpm2_unseal test uses endorsement hierarchy as platform hierarchy is unavailable on a
    real tpm.
  • Numerous cleanups and minor bug fixes.

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