github toss/es-toolkit v1.28.0

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3 months ago

Released on November 30th, 2024.

  • Added compatibility functions for gt, gte, toArray, toUpper, add, assignIn (extend), and isElement.
  • Introduced new compatibility types for DebouncedFunc.
  • Enhanced our function types to accept PropertyKey instead of just string for property keys.
  • Corrected flatMap to accurately infer return types when the depth parameter is omitted.
  • Resolved issues with incorrect types for partial and partialRight.
  • Fixed intersectionBy, differenceBy, and differenceWith to properly calculate differences between various element types.
  • Ensured that words is now correctly exported in our compatibility library.

We sincerely thank @D-Sketon, @mass2527, @1eeminhyeong, @chhw130, @DONG-8, @filipsobol, @kim-dongho, @nnnnoel, @pbstar, and @jsparkdev for their contributions. We appreciate your great efforts!

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