github tomvita/Breeze-Beta beta84
beta 84

latest releases: beta99, beta98d, beta98c...
16 months ago

JumpBack menu (WIP)

  • Do a move left or move right when there is no pointer linked in memory explorer will bring you to this menu
  • Upon entering you will see a list of targets and pointer that points to it with the distance shown as d=, pressing Y(Analyse) will list out the source of the selected entry. Press Y again will bring you to the next level based on the address selected. (JumpBack another level towards the source)
  • Pressing R+ZL (Show JB_map) will give you a map of all targets (pointed by pointers) that will be use to go to next JumpBack level of JB_map. The number of targets picked is determined by num_offsets specified in Pointer Search Menu(enter from Search Manager menu).
  • Pressing R (Get next JB_map) will bring you back one level. This is a group JumpBack of all the source. When pointers are found it will be added into bookmark. This is equivalent to doing automated pointer search, each press increased the depth of the search.
  • Popularity setting(L+ZL) specify the popularity(how many source points to it) of the target for picking targets to move backward.

HOS17 support fix

recompiled my forked dmnt.gen2 for HOS17 compatibility

Fix Game info menu crash

fixed a bug introduced in beta 83

Added Get original values button to Cheat edit menu

This button will fetch the current game values of code type 0, make a copy of a game hacking code and use this button to create a off code.
Use this button to get recover code if it wasn't provided by the cheat creator. First copy the cheat and rename it to indicate it is to turn off then use this to modify it to the off code

Added toggle comment button in ASM composer

Now you can easily make a code to become a comment for quick try out

Some foundation for pointer search added

To be documented in future release

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