github toeverything/AFFiNE v0.0.2-2023.04.08-alpha-kreta-ayer
AFFiNE Iteration Update Week 14

latest releases: v0.19.0-canary.7, v0.19.0-canary.6, v0.19.0-canary.5...
pre-release20 months ago


Page Tree

Sub-page structure support for workspace.


Sort workspace

You can now sort the workspace by dragging and dropping in the list modal


Connector in Edgeless mode


For more details, see: toeverything/blocksuite#1793

UI/UX Improvements


Reduce CSS in JS runtime (#1817)

Now we are going to use @vanilla-extract/css as the main stylesheet creator instead of emotion. This is the first step of we fully supporting SSR.

DX Improvements

📝 Detailed Changes

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