This release fixes a few bugs and introduce a new plugin system prototype. Currently it only support Utilities type plugins (i.e. plugins that do not manage routing), but in the coming versions I will be adding in more routing capabilities to the plugin interface where custom route-able modules like custom ACME manager and scripting controlled routing rules can be implemented by 3rd parities developers.
You can find some of the utilities plugin example in the example folder.
Deprecate Notice
ZeroTier / Global Area Network controller will be moved to plugin in v3.2.x release (Things you might not know: I got quite some users complaining they don't use zerotier and asking for a way to remove it). Please remember to backup all your GAN assigned devices name before migrating to the ztnc plugin. The ztnc plugin works the same as the original Global Area Network tab but with a "disable" button in the plugin menu where you can unload it if needed.
Change Log
- Fixed netstat underflow bug
- Fixed origin picker cookie bug
- Added prototype plugin system
- Added plugin examples
- Added notice for build-in Zerotier network controller deprecation (and will be moved to plugins)
- Added country code display for quickban list