github tobychui/zoraxy 3.0.5

latest releases: 3.0.7, 3.0.6
one month ago

v3.0.5 Updates

This update mainly fixed the ovh DNS challenge field generator bug and header bug when using NextCloud in container.

As a side notes, if you really want to use domain names as proxy target and you have a private DNS server, use .local (mDNS style), .internal (docker style) or (RFC 8375) as your domain name TLD for internal service. This can help Zoraxy to understand and automatically rewrite headers for internal networking instead of external one and prevent HTTP_HOST rewrite errors.

Remarks: If you are using Windows 7, you can use the NT6-1 release. However, some features are missing from this build due to library & compiler limitations. This version is purely here to support legacy device and might be dropped anytime soon. Please consider to upgrade your server to a new version of Windows.

Change Log

  • Optimized uptime monitor error message #121
  • Optimized detection logic for internal proxy target and header rewrite condition for HTTP_HOST #164
  • Fixed ovh DNS challenge provider form generator bug #161
  • Added permission policy module (not enabled)
  • Added single-use cookiejar to uptime monitor request client to handle cookie issues on some poorly written back-end server #149

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