github tldmod/tldmod workshop-2022-11-22
22 November, 2022 Update

18 months ago
[h1][b]November 22, 2022 Update[/b][/h1]

Equivalent to Nightly Patch Version r3745

[quote][i]New and existing macOS players; please [url=]follow the new install guide[/url] and report back.[/i][/quote]

[b]macOS and Linux fixes[/b]
[*] Fix broken shaders. e.g. glitchy overall map terrain.
[*] Revamp the macOS install method; from now on we will patch the official Warband game binary's code to fix many of this version's bugs. This universal method should improve compatibility by acting on the root cause and let you switch between mods. (i.e. everyone's fonts and Data folder should work after this)
[*] Expand the macOS install guide to let people remove custom fonts here and on Linux, both versions share shaders.
[*] The patch also improves graphics by forcing the game to use a 32-bit depth buffer (objects far away won't flicker anymore) and gets rid of the sharp discontinuities as textures blur in the distance, now there's feature parity with Windows, it has a soft transition.
[*] No more workarounds.

[b]General fixes[/b]
[*] Fix a misplaced staircase in the Minas Tirith siege.
[*] Reduce the frequency of horse and warg sounds.
[*] Make the Ent party also interactive when the Ent quest is not active.

[*] Translation updates for Greek and Indonesian.

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