github tldmod/tldmod workshop-2017-09-30
September 30 Update

pre-release6 years ago

[h1]September 30 Update[/h1]

Campaign Rebalance:
Garrison Rebalance: Makes initial sieges harder, repeated sieges easier. Slows down the game a bit if player does not interfere.
Gondor Faction Strength Rebalance:

  • balanced SE theater starting strengths, strength incomes, party templates, garrisons and garrison reinforcements to make Gondor hold out longer and be more active in the beginning, but eventually collapse
  • reintroduced Kham's changes to small parties limits and spawn probabilites
  • Gondor gets more hosts
  • fac_str_weak = 2500 ; fac_str_ok = 3500; for a more active campaign
  • moved Henneth Annun a bit closer to Cair Andros (fits lore and makes Gondor's AI a bit more focused)
  • move Khand Camp and Harad Camp closer towards Gondor when the war starts.
  • freeze faction strengths until the war starts

Made some significant changes to Sieges:
Allow Players to Siege Capitals if there are no other centers left
Allow Player To Control their own troops during sieges
Improve Siege Battle AI

New Scenes for Dol Guldur & Umbar Camp + their siege scenes
Fixes to Dol Guldur and Corsair Camp Siege Scenes
Fixed Minas Morgul Siege Scene
Better Gundabad Scene/Siege

Other Changes:
Placeholder Quest entries so that I can script more quests.
Some Flora Changes
New Trait: Well-Travelled
Fixed Animal Attacks Animation
Dunnish Wolf Guards now have wolves with them (40% chance to bring wolves)
Give Knights tfg_polearm
Enable Cheat Menu for players

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