github tjhorner/upsy-desky v1.0.0
Version 1.0.0

latest releases: v2.0.0, v1.2.0, v1.1.2...
14 months ago
  • (#27) Add auto-detection for decoders. Learn more about this feature here
    • This removes the "Decoder Variant" dropdown and adds a "Re-Detect Decoder" button

Why 1.0.0?

This version includes a major UX milestone: users no longer need to select the decoder to use manually! This was a very big source of friction (possibly the largest) since it was so confusing and opaque. Many requests for support I received were solved by simply choosing a different decoder. This eliminates the possibility of choosing the wrong one, and makes first setup much easier.

This is also a very big change internally. Existing configurations should not be affected (if variant is set manually in the YAML config, it will remain set), but if you run into any issues please let me know.


See the documentation for more information on how to non-destructively update the firmware via an OTA.

If you are flashing an OTA to your Upsy Desky, use the firmware.bin asset. If you are flashing from scratch, use firmware-factory.bin instead.

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