github tink-crypto/tink v1.2.2
Tink 1.2.2

latest releases: v1.7.0, go/v1.7.0, v1.6.1...
5 years ago

Tink is a multi-language, cross-platform library that provides simple and misuse-proof APIs for common cryptographic tasks.

This is Tink 1.2.2.


This release fixes an issue with the Obj-C build distributed via CocoaPods. In particular, the BoringSSL library is statically linked to prevent namespace clashes in projects which depend on OpenSSL.

The complete list of changes since 1.2.1 can be found here.


C++ with prebuilt binaries

OS="$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
curl -L \
  "${OS}-x86_64-1.2.2.tar.gz" |
sudo tar -xz -C ${TARGET_DIR}

Obj-C with CocoaPods

cd /path/to/your/Xcode project/
pod init
pod 'Tink', '1.2.2'
pod install

Java with Maven


Android with Gradle

dependencies {
  compile ''

What's next

See the project road map for future plans.

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