github tine20/tine20 2019.12.1

latest releases: 2023.12.1, 2023.12.09.18, 2023.12.02.18...
4 years ago


Example NGINX configuration has been added



f2e2e0a feature(Tinebase/Config): check conf.d files before include
02253d5 feature(Tinebase/User): move email user id to user xprops
f30647c feature(Tinebase): add additionalFilterSpec for combobox in editdialog
4136d98 feature(Setup/Backup): allow to skip backup validation
e8600c2 feature(Felamimail): add feature switch for auto-save drafts
d9f8edd feature(Tinebase): introduce additionaldomains smtp config
b92ef91 feature(Felamimail): save email user id in account xprops
4e6c21e feature(Admin/EmailAccounts): change personal email via system account
4383cf7 feature(Setup): allow to create email addresses via updateAllAccountsWithAccountEmail
7525b6d feature(Admin): group/list member synchronizer
138267d feature(Tinebase/Notes): allow to purge redundant nodes
bf8df3e feature(Tinebase+Felamimail): add config EMAIL_USER_ID_IN_XPROPS
309ffa2 feature(Addressbook+Tinebase): add xprops to user and list models
84d2672 feature(Felamimail/Account): add xprops to account model
66cdec0 feature(ActiveSync): delete AS device if user is deleted
0e0ec9d feature(Tinebase): allow creation of new files in filePicker


8d5bdc9 fix(Calendar): use iso week in wk period picker
0aa48a8 fix(Upload) create tempfile with proper mime type
72e9e3e fix(Tinebase): error if additionalFilterSpec null
1cda4ad fix(Filemanager): no account_grants for actionUpdater
627fba6 fix(Addressbook): allowEmpty for ContactSearchCombo
fca12dc fix(Filemanager): create folder sometimes fails
c9cf312 fix(Tinebase): tempfile id wrong after bus add
0d063f8 fix(Tinebase): contentype for uploads missing
857e42e fix(Felamimail): attachments from filemanger can not be renamend (yet)
f3b5183 fix(Tinebase) filePicker overwrite check not working
5f2d293 fix(Tinebase+Admin/EmailUser): introduce smtpAliasesDispatchFlag capability
62ba4f8 fix(Tinebase/Record): only call isEmpty on Diff objects
8c9fb54 fix(Admin/User): prevent problems with missing param
05c1fd9 fix(Tinebase/Notes): make purge redundant nodes finally work
8a3abee fix(Tinebase/FileSystem): add missing json_encode for alarm options
b5e675a fix(Addressbook): don't check short name when merging records
dcc6a37 fix(Filemanager): in/active staate of upload/createFolder actions
137408f fix(Filemanager): word type icons
980c032 fix(Tinebase): wrong fieldName in getByFieldDefinition
350e9dd fix(Tinebase): nodeSaveDlg, check for conflicts
0bc0b34 fix(PollClient): branding logo max size
5ea886e fix(enforce utf8 on authenticate)
c55e19a fix(Calendar): catch TENF when setting cal user
44e9738 fix(Setup/Cli): always return 0 in --update if there are no errors
916a2ce fix(Tinebase/User/Ldap): add getLoginName to ldap abstract
ca3734e fix(Crm): save relation always set type = CUSTOMER if missing
27ec2e5 fix(Addressbook): fix system user adding/removal from group
05f5f1a fix(Tinebase/Groups): re-add deleteAllGroups
4f4cbd2 fix expressive response envelop http status handling
062ef52 fix(Tinebase): westpanel state was not preserved
1887163 fix(Tinebase/purgeDeletedRecords): make purge work for tree_nodes with children and fix account purging too
a1e45a9 fix(Tinebase/Layout): max width on loginpage
ec75753 fix(Tinebase Controller searchCount) add missing defaultFilter call
e5697fa fix(Felamimail/MessageEditDialog): fix opening of unfetched mails
7a9e84e fix(Setup/Update): always update import/export definitions
c6d66c0 fix #7113 - setupuser adb contact missing
67b0595 fix(Addressbook/List): write modlog of list if it is created/update from group
7b21b85 fix minimumRequiredVersion
0a2d414 fix(Felamimail): use correct email regex in gridpanel hook
b059066 fix(Addressbook/List): add system accounts as system group members
555e896 fix(Tinebase/FileSystem): fix table names in repairTreeIsDeletedState
e07fe88 fix #7113 - setupuser adb contact missing

Commits and Milestone

All changes in detail: 2019.08.4...2019.12.1
GitHub Issues (2019.12.1):


SHA1 checksums for the download files

All-in-One Package
(containing: Felamimail, Timetracker, Crm, Calendar, Addressbook, ActiveSync, Filemanager, Tasks, Sales):




Voip Package (Voipmanager/Phone)


See Howto at

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