Updating from Community Edition
If you update to this version from an older Community Edition (like, you might have to check the number of activated users. Without an activation key, this version only supports 5 enabled users.
b5feef0 fix(Filemanager/js): preview tinebase node from message compose dialog
ed4b97b fix(Calendar): event event_types definedBy filter not working
f892015 fix(Addressbook/js): improve mailinglist email validation
60a49cd fix(Timetracker/Timesheet): recreate invoice position sfter update cleared timesheet
f252a65 fix(Calendar): event_types not resolved for reccuring events
99fca23 fix(Calendar): event_type filter broken
4ecfea6 fix(HumanResources): can not add freeTime over freeTimePlaningGrid
50a4dae fix(Sales/js): autofill payment means from existing customer
d528b54 fix(Filemanager/js): remove duplicated signature from sendAsMail action
728a6d5 fix(Tinebase/EmailUser): allow user email update if not managed
5346006 fix(Inventory/Type): add fulltext index to description
3fd1cb5 fix(Tinebase/WebDav): skip avscan for new webdav uploaded file
635493c fix(OOI/js): remove deprecated before close event
bacd0e7 tweak(Calendar): detect new/add row correctly
f92757a tweak(Tinebase): emptyText not translated
ab43e35 tweak(Sales/DemoData): add some error handling to demo data creation
b4c3f40 tweak(Admin/Frontend/Json): also catch Tinebase_Exception_Backend in _getQuotaNodesByLevel
ff42b5e tweak(Tinebase/User): assign default user group if no primary group found in sync backend
18f38ca tweak(Tinebase/Group): catch not found exception when syncing group memberships
86ab7bd tweak(Tinebase/EvalDim): only check right if user is available
c373be9 tweak(Tinebase/AreaLock): support to bypass areaLocks by IP