github tine-groupware/tine weekly-2024.02.2

5 months ago




17de688 feature(Tinebase/Customfields): use cf in definedBy filter
cddc272 feature(Tinebase) sorting of eval dims in generic dlgs
367dfa9 feature(Tinebase) evaluation dimension ui in dlgs
6ef4da6 feature(Tinebase): coredata evaluation dimensions
6dfbd8c feature(TB) introduced evaluation dimensions
decee88 feature(Tinebase): Numberable Config UI
8cbf74e feature(TB Numberables) add admin ui for numberables
807bda9 feature(Sales) introduce Divisions, Debitor Numbers, advanced grants
0f05302 Revert "feature(Felamimail/Addressbook): search email address in message cache too"
9c3760c feature(Felamimail/js): message display format depends on content type
a10d39e Revert "feature(Tinebase/Controller): login failures by client"
13a538c feature(Felamimail/Addressbook): search email address in message cache too
3d524ba feature(Tinebase/Controller): login failures by client
7c1ad4d feature(EFile): metadata inheritance manage fields
7524e9b feature(EFile): metadata inheritance ui
014e283 feature(EFile) inherit default meta data from up the tree
bc7794a feature(Tinebase): ctrl+l but a button!
9059622 feature(Addressbook) Contact Title Templates per preference
882fcdf feature(Sales/js): send export invoices to datev


4d4fd26 fix(Tinebase) preview panel can't show async titles
227aeea fix(Tinebase) getTitle twingFn can't show async titles
48beb8c fix(Tinebase): filter for denormalized records
2247dac fix(Tinebase/Customfields): dupblicate cf filter
4ca2b83 fix(Calendar): attendeeFilter shows name proxy
1b42047 fix(Tinebase/GridPanel): improve mobile device responsive layout with rotation
eef001a Revert "fix(Tinebase/GridPanel): improve mobile device responsive layout with rotation"
8d6da25 fix(Tinebase/MFA): set access log to failed on invalid mfa login
2a567bb fix(Tinebase/Customfield): saves the specified grants when creating customfields
2d4c7cc fix(Tinebase): single records filter loose value
b82ffc4 fix(Sales) Boilerplate loading
9158010 fix(Tinebase/js): force reload when login to outdated client
faa7928 fix(Tinebase/GridPanel): improve mobile device responsive layout with rotation
5a0f0fd fix(Tinebase/js): hide loadmask when fire event failed
c78bce0 fix(Sales): document address subfiltering of exisiting docs
e69562a fix(Tinebase): auto config non nullable text values
19b78db fix(Efile/js): get basePath when update FileMetadata record
cc0dbd2 fix(Sales): snoze false error dlg on doc transition
5c68afd fix(Addressbook/CSS): un-invert colors of contact image in preview
1914f57 fix(Felamimail/js): remove duplicated start edit
f6337ba fix(Felamimail/Cache/Message): fix flag sync
7320d2b fix(Sales): customer number autoassigning not working
4241ed4 fix(Felamimail/Sieve/Vacation): prevent comma in :from
c5ffe2c fix(Filemanager/js): do not show virtual node if manual upload is complete
8a296d1 fix(ExtJS/GridPanel): improve responsive size validation
94a91ec fix(OOI/js): save file copy should force add file type if missing
bfbce4d fix(Admin): snooze console error on keydown
ac10cf8 fix(Tinebase): trigger plugin dlg's might not open
fdae2af fix(Addressbook): lang filter missing
83a1dd5 fix(Addressbook): + sign missing in contact search combos
1e5e1fa fix(Calendar): Event edit dialog via email link is missing attendees
9d907ca fix(pollClient): Fix getting locale from poll config
d317c09 fix(Felamimail/js): do not refresh grid view after store reload
fb75410 fix(Tinebase/js): only apply grid state whe stateId changed
d50833c fix(SimepleFAQ/EditDialog): make saving of question & answer work again

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