github timolins/react-hot-toast v2.3.0-beta

latest releases: v2.4.1, v2.4.0, v2.4.0-beta.0...
pre-release24 months ago

This version is focus on improving the build & bundle setup. It's now using tsup (powered by esbuild) instead of unmaintained tsdx. Additionaly, npm v4 was replaced by pnpm.

Those changes gives us a way faster and simpler builds + should allows usage in headless environments again (react-native).

  • Use pnpm instead of old NPM - Resolves dependency linking 🚀 #186 b46a386
  • Remove tsdx & add prettier hook * No more linting from tsdx. Should be okay to use prettier * Lot less dependencies * Prettify files 28d83a9
  • Use export type for types 4f43ea3
  • Use tsup instead of tsdx This gives us more control about the build process * Expose react-hot-toast/headless - Fixes #39 * Bundle size is even smaller now d58cb35
  • Add pnpm to size check action 9da3b6e
  • Migrate docs to MDX 2 f776144
  • Align site for React 18 & Tailwind 3 8b716de
  • fix: missing csstype peer dep 30bdaf5


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