github timescale/promscale 0.1.1

latest releases: 0.17.0, 0.16.0, 0.15.0...
3 years ago

This is a bug fix release. The fixed bugs relate to handling of series and labels that could have been deleted during data retention. We suggest upgrading if you have short data retention periods.

In-place upgrades from 0.1.0-beta.1 onwards are supported automatically.


18e2e8b Add QueryRow to our connection interface
1d4b05e Add SQL API for managing metric compression setting
c2232b3 Add code documentation for query/read path of the connector
e436d2c Adds support for checking pg version on startup
6e33530 BUGFIX reset pendingBuffer epoch when we're done
88cb717 Epoch-Based cache validation
4645d92 First pass documenting the write path
8ba00b4 Fix bug with deletion of metric name labels.
41c722f Fix erroneous PromQL query in end-to-end tests
523d892 Fix error reporting to prevent panic
31895c8 Fix golden file tests
a286d4d Fix logging output to match rest of the project
7ab27d0 Fix views on Vanilla PG and add tests
1c852ea Make example docker-compose clearer (#305)
31466dd Mask password while printing config
b6f40e6 Prepare for the 0.1.1 release
1de1192 Prepare for the next development cycle
4b953ad REFACTOR rearrange mocks
102eac2 REFACTOR switch TestPGXInserterInsertData to the new mock
42553f9 REFACTOR switch TestPGXInserterInsertSeries to the new mock
6d31d17 Start a pgmodel Readme

Docker images

  • docker pull timescale/promscale:0.1.1
  • docker pull timescale/promscale:0.1
  • docker pull timescale/promscale:latest

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