github timescale/promscale 0.1.0

latest releases: 0.17.0, 0.16.0, 0.15.0...
3 years ago

With this release, we’re officially removing the “pre-release” tag – marking a major milestone in the evolution of the Promscale project and its graduation out of beta 🎓.

This signifies our belief that your metric data will be stored durably and safely – and that you can start using Promscale for production workloads (if you don’t mind the occasional API change 🛠).

From this release onwards, we're guaranteeing automatic, in-place upgrades. This means all users - from 0.1.0-beta.1 onwards - can automatically update to this version and/or any future ones 🔥.

Given this milestone, we thought that we’d reiterate our vision:

Make it easy for developers to ask any question, create any dashboard, and get more visibility into their systems and the metrics they care about most.

Promscale is an open-source long-term store for Prometheus data, designed for advanced analytics - including native support for PromQL and SQL and a database running TimescaleDB, the open-source relational database for time-series data.

Key capabilities:

  • Easily join metrics and auxiliary metadata about the systems you’re monitoring to create a more complete view.
  • Efficient long-term storage for historical analysis, such as past incident reporting, capacity planning, auditing, and more.
  • Flexible data management with multi-tenancy, automated data retention, downsampling, and backfill.
  • Use SQL and/or PromQL to query your data. SQL supports more complex analysis than PromQL, but you can still use PromQL to run your favorite Prometheus queries.
  • Operational maturity. TimescaleDB has support for streaming backups, high-availability, read replicas, etc. Promscale supports multiple Prometheus servers running as an HA deployment, either using leader election to write data from only one of the Prometheus servers or writing data from all servers to TimescaleDB.

To help you get up and running quickly, we’ve put together two short demo videos and a blog post that details the origin of the project and its design, how it works, and a few ways to get started.

At a high level, changes since 0.1.0-beta.5:

  • Adds a guarantee of automatic in-place upgrades to future versions.
  • Adds support for vanilla PostgreSQL


76518ed Add simple function to retrieve a labels_array
c012806 Enable running connector without TimescaleDB
9bec5c8 Fix log location reporting
b6f7fe0 Fix max_connections setting in tests
3a5c92e Fix permissions for tests without extension
9ce651e Fix releases link
e6c538e Fix scheduled GH action
cce8ab1 Install timescaledb flag
2816ec1 Prepare for the 0.1.0 release
3b39662 Prepare for the next development cycle
b241874 Prevent potential deadlock
074867c Refactor extension logic to be the same between extensions
53a3955 Small fixups
6a66a36 Special case the first version
3cc8e82 Update architecture diagram
044f8ee Update intro in README
2299d37 Update the docs/ containment operator example
bcc43a6 Use safer containers for tests

🙏 Thank you to everyone who submitted issues and PRs, without YOU we would never have reached this milestone.

@Atomicbeast101, @clambin, @dtoddonx, @emanzx, @franck102, @halfmatthalfcat, @jpigree, @jostmart, @mrMoe, @redhatromero, @saket9550, @timflannagan1, @tr2vil @wenerme and many, many others.

Docker images

  • docker pull timescale/promscale:0.1.0
  • docker pull timescale/promscale:0.1
  • docker pull timescale/promscale:latest

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