github timche/meru v3.0.0-alpha.15

pre-release3 years ago

Discuss and give feedback about v3.0.0-alpha here.

New Features

Open new mails directly from notifications

Clicking on a new mail notification opens the mail in Gmail Desktop instead of creating a new window and loading Gmail again.

Kapture 2021-03-24 at 21 54 55

macOS: Manage new mails from notifications

Archive, mark as read, delete and mark as spam are available as actions in new mail notifications.

Screen Shot 2021-03-24 at 21 51 36


  • Unread count and new mail notifications are updated and delivered in real-time again


  • Unread count now only counts the unread mails in primary inbox
  • Disabled selection on app drag regions
  • Dark mode initialization on start up now working properly again
  • Set app window background color based on dark mode setting

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