20 Feb 2025
Included Calico versions
Calico version: v3.28.3
- Add support for OpenShift HCP & Update AWS SG setup job for OpenShift #3642 (@coutinhop)
Other changes
- Update ECK kibana and ECK elasticsearch to 7.17.27 (#3777) (@rene-dekker)
- Upgrade k8s - v1.28.15, x/net - v0.35, x/crypto - v0.33 #3774 (@lucastigera)
- Fix dead-lock between degraded controllers due to #3756 (@rene-dekker)
- Calico APIServer improvements that introduce
#3728 (@Tamas-Biro1) - Revert addition of plugins volume. This is only applicable to kbv8+ #3717 (@rene-dekker)
- Update ECK elasticsearch operator to 2.16.0 and override mount path #3698 (@rene-dekker)
- Include ECK CRDs in those managed by the operator #3697 (@caseydavenport)
- Create namespace before certificates for intrusion detection (#3403) #3685 (@asincu)
- Improve OpenShift platform detection accuracy (1.34) #3683 (@libesz)
- Update the upstream versions of alertmanager and prometheus #3675 (@rene-dekker)
- Ensure CRDs are created on boot #3623 (@coutinhop)