github tidyverse/dplyr v0.8.0
dplyr 0.8.0

latest releases: v1.1.4, v1.1.3, v1.1.2...
6 years ago

dplyr 0.8.0

Breaking changes

  • The error could not find function "n" or the warning
    Calling `n()` without importing or prefixing it is deprecated, use `dplyr::n()`

    indicates when functions like n(), row_number(), ... are not imported or prefixed.

    The easiest fix is to import dplyr with import(dplyr) in your NAMESPACE or
    #' @import dplyr in a roxygen comment, alternatively such functions can be
    imported selectively as any other function with importFrom(dplyr, n) in the
    NAMESPACE or #' @importFrom dplyr n in a roxygen comment. The third option is
    to prefix them, i.e. use dplyr::n()

  • If you see checking S3 generic/method consistency in R CMD check for your
    package, note that :

    • sample_n() and sample_frac() have gained ...
    • filter() and slice() have gained .preserve
    • group_by() has gained .drop
  • Error: `.data` is a corrupt grouped_df, ... signals code that makes
    wrong assumptions about the internals of a grouped data frame.

New functions

  • New selection helpers group_cols(). It can be called in selection contexts
    such as select() and matches the grouping variables of grouped tibbles.

  • last_col() is re-exported from tidyselect (#3584).

  • group_trim() drops unused levels of factors that are used as grouping variables.

  • nest_join() creates a list column of the matching rows. nest_join() + tidyr::unnest()
    is equivalent to inner_join (#3570).

    band_members %>% 
  • group_nest() is similar to tidyr::nest() but focusing on the variables to nest by
    instead of the nested columns.

    starwars %>%
      group_by(species, homeworld) %>% 
    starwars %>%
      group_nest(species, homeworld)
  • group_split() is similar to base::split() but operating on existing groups when
    applied to a grouped data frame, or subject to the data mask on ungrouped data frames

    starwars %>%
      group_by(species, homeworld) %>%   
    starwars %>%
      group_split(species, homeworld)
  • group_map() and group_walk() are purrr-like functions to iterate on groups
    of a grouped data frame, jointly identified by the data subset (exposed as .x) and the
    data key (a one row tibble, exposed as .y). group_map() returns a grouped data frame that
    combines the results of the function, group_walk() is only used for side effects and returns
    its input invisibly.

    mtcars %>%
      group_by(cyl) %>%
      group_map(~ head(.x, 2L))
  • distinct_prepare(), previously known as distinct_vars() is exported. This is mostly useful for
    alternative backends (e.g. dbplyr).

Major changes

  • group_by() gains the .drop argument. When set to FALSE the groups are generated
    based on factor levels, hence some groups may be empty (#341).

    # 3 groups
      x = 1:2, 
      f = factor(c("a", "b"), levels = c("a", "b", "c"))
    ) %>% 
      group_by(f, .drop = FALSE)
    # the order of the grouping variables matter
    df <- tibble(
      x = c(1,2,1,2), 
      f = factor(c("a", "b", "a", "b"), levels = c("a", "b", "c"))
    df %>% group_by(f, x, .drop = FALSE)
    df %>% group_by(x, f, .drop = FALSE)

    The default behaviour drops the empty groups as in the previous versions.

        x = 1:2, 
        f = factor(c("a", "b"), levels = c("a", "b", "c"))
      ) %>% 
  • filter() and slice() gain a .preserve argument to control which groups it should keep. The default
    filter(.preserve = FALSE) recalculates the grouping structure based on the resulting data,
    otherwise it is kept as is.

    df <- tibble(
      x = c(1,2,1,2), 
      f = factor(c("a", "b", "a", "b"), levels = c("a", "b", "c"))
    ) %>% 
      group_by(x, f, .drop = FALSE)
    df %>% filter(x == 1)
    df %>% filter(x == 1, .preserve = TRUE)
  • The notion of lazily grouped data frames have disappeared. All dplyr verbs now recalculate
    immediately the grouping structure, and respect the levels of factors.

  • Subsets of columns now properly dispatch to the [ or [[ method when the column
    is an object (a vector with a class) instead of making assumptions on how the
    column should be handled. The [ method must handle integer indices, including
    NA_integer_, i.e. x[NA_integer_] should produce a vector of the same class
    as x with whatever represents a missing value.

Minor changes

  • tally() works correctly on non-data frame table sources such as tbl_sql (#3075).

  • sample_n() and sample_frac() can use n() (#3527)

  • distinct() respects the order of the variables provided (#3195, @foo-bar-baz-qux)
    and handles the 0 rows and 0 columns special case (#2954).

  • combine() uses tidy dots (#3407).

  • group_indices() can be used without argument in expressions in verbs (#1185).

  • Using mutate_all(), transmute_all(), mutate_if() and transmute_if()
    with grouped tibbles now informs you that the grouping variables are
    ignored. In the case of the _all() verbs, the message invites you to use
    mutate_at(df, vars(-group_cols())) (or the equivalent transmute_at() call)
    instead if you'd like to make it explicit in your code that the operation is
    not applied on the grouping variables.

  • Scoped variants of arrange() respect the .by_group argument (#3504).

  • first() and last() hybrid functions fall back to R evaluation when given no arguments (#3589).

  • mutate() removes a column when the expression evaluates to NULL for all groups (#2945).

  • grouped data frames support [, drop = TRUE] (#3714).

  • New low-level constructor new_grouped_df() and validator validate_grouped_df (#3837).

  • glimpse() prints group information on grouped tibbles (#3384).

  • sample_n() and sample_frac() gain ... (#2888).

  • Scoped filter variants now support functions and purrr-like lambdas:

    mtcars %>% filter_at(vars(hp, vs), ~ . %% 2 == 0)


  • do(), rowwise() and combine() are questioning (#3494).

  • funs() is soft-deprecated and will start issuing warnings in a future version.

Changes to column wise functions

  • Scoped variants for distinct(): distinct_at(), distinct_if(), distinct_all() (#2948).

  • summarise_at() excludes the grouping variables (#3613).

  • mutate_all(), mutate_at(), summarise_all() and summarise_at() handle utf-8 names (#2967).


  • R expressions that cannot be handled with native code are now evaluated with
    unwind-protection when available (on R 3.5 and later). This improves the
    performance of dplyr on data frames with many groups (and hence many
    expressions to evaluate). We benchmarked that computing a grouped average is
    consistently twice as fast with unwind-protection enabled.

    Unwind-protection also makes dplyr more robust in corner cases because it
    ensures the C++ destructors are correctly called in all circumstances
    (debugger exit, captured condition, restart invokation).

  • sample_n() and sample_frac() gain ... (#2888).

  • Improved performance for wide tibbles (#3335).

  • Faster hybrid sum(), mean(), var() and sd() for logical vectors (#3189).

  • Hybrid version of sum(na.rm = FALSE) exits early when there are missing values.
    This considerably improves performance when there are missing values early in the vector (#3288).

  • group_by() does not trigger the additional mutate() on simple uses of the .data pronoun (#3533).


  • The grouping metadata of grouped data frame has been reorganized in a single tidy tibble, that can be accessed
    with the new group_data() function. The grouping tibble consists of one column per grouping variable,
    followed by a list column of the (1-based) indices of the groups. The new group_rows() function retrieves
    that list of indices (#3489).

    # the grouping metadata, as a tibble
    group_by(starwars, homeworld) %>% 
    # the indices
    group_by(starwars, homeworld) %>% 
      group_data() %>% 
    group_by(starwars, homeworld) %>% 
  • Hybrid evaluation has been completely redesigned for better performance and stability.


  • Add documentation example for moving variable to back in ?select (#3051).

  • column wise functions are better documented, in particular explaining when
    grouping variables are included as part of the selection.

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