This is a maintenance release, preparing for 1.0.0 ..
When 1.0.0 will be released, I will duplicate the changelog and structure it properly, introducing new features etc...
For transparency reasons, I will still drop the changelog from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0 here:
What's Changed
- Update tauri.yml workflow file by @vasilymilovidov in #705
- add dough function for raw dsp by @felixroos in #707
- add midi clock support by @felixroos in #710
- Midi in by @felixroos in #699
- widgets by @felixroos in #714
- support mininotation '..' range operator, fixes #715 by @yaxu in #716
- Add 'white', 'pink' and 'brown' oscillators + refactor synth by @Bubobubobubobubo in #713
- Slider afterthoughts by @felixroos in #723
- Better convolution reverb by generating impulse responses by @Bubobubobubobubo in #718
- fix: reverb regenerate loophole by @felixroos in #726
- consume n with scale by @felixroos in #727
- fix: hashes in urls by @felixroos in #728
- Compressor by @felixroos in #729
- fix: reverb roomsize not required by @felixroos in #731
- fix: reverb sampleRate by @felixroos in #732
- Add support for using samples as impulse response buffers for the reverb by @vasilymilovidov in #717
- vite-vanilla-repl readme fix by @felixroos in #737
- Recipes by @felixroos in #742
- [Bug Fix] chooseWith: prevent pattern from stopping audio when selection is >= 1 or < 0 by @daslyfe in #741
- fix: trailing slash confusion by @felixroos in #743
- fix: try different trailing slash behavior by @felixroos in #744
- completely revert config mess by @felixroos in #745
- Fix krill build command in README by @ilesinge in #748
- hopefully fix trainling slashes bug by @felixroos in #753
- mini notation: international alphabets support by @ilesinge in #751
- Add shabda shortcut by @ilesinge in #740
- add play function by @felixroos in #758
- Hydra integration by @felixroos in #759
- Fix addivite synthesis phases by @felixroos in #762
- fix: scale offset by @felixroos in #764
- fix zen mode logo overlap by @felixroos in #760
- Document striate function by @ilesinge in #766
- replace with by @felixroos in #768
- Update vite pwa by @felixroos in #772
- Add pick and squeeze functions by @daslyfe in #771
- Document adsr function by @ilesinge in #767
- Fix chunk, add fastChunk and repeatCycles by @yaxu in #712
- fix: share copy to clipboard + alert by @felixroos in #774
- add vscode bindings by @Dsm0 in #773
- Update to Astro 3 by @felixroos in #775
- add xfade by @felixroos in #780
- fix: style issues by @felixroos in #781
- Add function params in reference tab by @ilesinge in #785
- Implement optional hover tooltip with function documentation by @ilesinge in #783
- Fix scope pos + document by @felixroos in #786
- samples loading shortcuts: by @felixroos in #788
- don't use anchor links for reference by @felixroos in #791
- Update first-sounds.mdx by @bwagner in #794
- Update recap.mdx by @bwagner in #797
- Update pattern-effects.mdx by @bwagner in #796
- Update first-effects.mdx by @bwagner in #795
- Document pianoroll by @ilesinge in #784
- Adding vibrato to Superdough sampler by @Bubobubobubobubo in #706
- Fix for #1. Enables named instruments for csoundm. by @gogins in #662
- support multiple named serial connections, change default baudrate by @yaxu in #551
- Create phaser effect by @daslyfe in #798
- remove unwanted cm6 outline for strudelTheme by @kasparsj in #802
- tidal style d1 ... d9 functions + more by @felixroos in #805
- add option to disable active line highlighting in Code Settings by @kasparsj in #804
- Add doc for euclidLegatoRot, wordfall and slider by @ilesinge in #801
- fix: multiple repls by @felixroos in #813
- Color hsl by @felixroos in #815
- New noise type: "crackle" by @Bubobubobubobubo in #806
- Improve documentation for synonym functions by @ilesinge in #800
- add options param to initHydra by @kasparsj in #808
- Hydra fixes and improvements by @atfornes in #818
- Add and style algolia search by @ilesinge in #827
- Fix a typo by @drewgbarnes in #830
- FIXES: palindrome abc -> abccba by @bwagner in #831
- CHANGES: github action checkout v2 -> v4 by @bwagner in #837
- CHANGES: pin pnpm to version 8.3.1 by @bwagner in #834
- CHANGES: github action pnpm version from 7 to 8.3.1 by @bwagner in #835
- ADDS: JetBrains IDE files and directories to .gitignore by @bwagner in #840
- Multichannel audio by @daslyfe in #820
- Prevent 404 on Algolia crawls by @ilesinge in #838
- Add in fixes from my fork to slashocalypse branch by @shiyouganai in #843
- improve slashing + base href behavior by @felixroos in #842
- fix: missing hash for links starting with / by @felixroos in #845
- fix: swatch png src by @felixroos in #846
- Fix examples page, piano() and a few workshop imgs by @shiyouganai in #848
- Fix edge case with rehype-urls and trailing slashes in image file paths by @shiyouganai in #849
- CHANGES: pnpm 8.1.3 to 8.11.0 by @bwagner in #850
- Patterns tab + Refactor Panel by @felixroos in #769
- patterns tab: import patterns + style by @felixroos in #852
- Export patterns + ui tweaks by @felixroos in #855
- Pattern organization by @felixroos in #858
- Sound Import from local file system by @daslyfe in #839
- add missing trailing slashes by @felixroos in #860
- fix: finally repair envelopes by @felixroos in #861
- Vanilla repl 2 by @felixroos in #863
- Vanilla repl 3 by @felixroos in #865
- more work on vanilla repl: repl web component + package + MicroRepl by @felixroos in #866
- main repl vanillification by @felixroos in #873
- Bug Fix #119: Clock drift by @daslyfe in #874
- final vanillification by @felixroos in #876
- move all examples to separate examples folder by @felixroos in #878
- Dependency update by @felixroos in #879
- Audio device selection by @daslyfe in #854
- bugfix: sound select indexes out of bounds by @daslyfe in #871
- Error tolerance by @felixroos in #880
- fix: make sure n is never undefined before nanFallback by @felixroos in #881
- add mastodon link by @felixroos in #884
- bugfix: suspend and close exisiting audio context when changing interface by @daslyfe in #882
- Showcase by @felixroos in #885
- add root mode for voicings by @felixroos in #887
- scales can now be anchored by @felixroos in #888
- fix: invisible selection on vim + emacs mode by @felixroos in #889
- fix: autocomplete / tooltip code example bug by @felixroos in #898
- support , in < > by @felixroos in #886
- Update Vite version so hot reload works properly with newest pnpm version by @daslyfe in #892
- prevent vite from complaining about additional exports in jsx files by @daslyfe in #891
- fix some build warnings by @felixroos in #902
- public sharing by @felixroos in #910
- Further Envelope improvements by @daslyfe in #868
- Remove hideHeader for better mobile UI and consistency by @rjulian in #894
- adds a blog by @felixroos in #911
- Add more vowel qualities for the vowels function by @fnordomat in #907
- Fix: swatch/[name].png.js static path by @oscarbyrne in #916
- pitch envelope by @felixroos in #913
- rename @strudel.cycles/* packages to @strudel/* by @felixroos in #917
New Contributors
- @ilesinge made their first contribution in #748
- @Dsm0 made their first contribution in #773
- @kasparsj made their first contribution in #802
- @atfornes made their first contribution in #818
- @drewgbarnes made their first contribution in #830
- @shiyouganai made their first contribution in #843
- @rjulian made their first contribution in #894
- @fnordomat made their first contribution in #907
- @oscarbyrne made their first contribution in #916
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v.0.10.0