github thought-machine/please v8.0.0
Please v8.0.0

latest releases: v17.12.6-beta.1, v17.12.5, v17.12.4...
7 years ago

This is Please v8.0.0

  • The tarball rule has been rewritten to be more deterministic. As a consequence it now
    only supports gzip compression; the previous compression argument has been removed.
    This is obviously a breaking change for anything that was setting that argument.
  • Build rules with needs_transitive_deps = True no longer receive transitive deps of
    their srcs, only their deps.
    This is again a breaking change although a relatively subtle case that doesn't affect
    many rules; most cases that were using srcs and deps semantically correctly won't notice.
  • plz query print now accepts a --fields argument to print only the given fields.
  • plz run now has two new subcommands, sequential and parallel that allow passing
    multiple targets to be run either consecutively or concurrently.
  • Go 1.8 is now required to build the Please repo. Support for targeted Go versions is

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