github thought-machine/please v16.27.0
Please v16.27.0

latest releases: v17.12.7, v17.12.6, v17.12.6-beta.2...
24 months ago

This is Please v16.27.0

  • Have plz query whatinputs exit with code 1, when nothing inputs
    the file (#2617)
  • Please now adds the cache dir tag to it's cache directories, as defined by
    by (#2587)
  • Have plz query whatinputs resolve the inputs to the repo root (#2623)
  • During plz init, Please now checks the http status code when hitting the
    github API, to avoid retrying user errors (#2631)
  • Fix issue with filegroups not being rebuild under some conditions (#2635)
  • Include build defs in plugins when searching for docs using plz help (#2636)

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