github thought-machine/please v12.1.1
Please v12.1.1

latest releases: v17.12.6-beta.1, v17.12.5, v17.12.4...
6 years ago

Please v12.1 is ready. Notable updates in this version include:

  • pip_library rules output single .whl files for better cache performance (#297)
  • Corrected some distutils errors when using Homebrew's pip3 (#294)
  • Initial (still experimental) implementation of http_archive and new_http_archive rules, and other Bazel compatibility improvements.
  • remote_file now has a builtin implementation and can show progress.
  • A lot of internal refactoring around the implementation of subinclude(). Parse tasks now happen off the main worker 'threads' so they don't block them.
  • Migrated most uses of filepath.Walk to godirwalk (#273).
  • Fixed handling of aliases (#298)
  • More repeatable Python bytecode generation - turns out that some rare cases have been nondeterministic (probably since forever).

We're releasing v12.1.1 immediately since the Python bytecode fix landed before 12.1.0 was tagged.
Thanks to all the contributors to this release!

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