github thheller/shadow-cljs 2.9.0

latest releases: 2.11.23, 2.11.22, 2.11.21...
4 years ago

a9b8402 bump 2.9.0
2725d0a make :entries mandatory for :npm-module
683a4fe allow turning off source-map for react-native
3b83790 bump closure-compiler
ff634cb [WIP] fix test targets
82d67f1 comment out unused classpath resolver fow now
e62c82a fix classpath watch/reload
1b5ea53 expand jar quarantine
7428c21 get rid of shared classpath indexing
75697ac some UI work
803ae73 Fix typo in deps.edn. (#699)
59aefd7 get rid of undefined ShadowJS warning
1b9b95b default to fail on asset require
21e5960 fix log message overflow issue
6de1525 make sure cljs.user is always compiled

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