What's new? 🎉📣
- 🔊 Softer success sound for a smoother experience
- 📄 Default format set to PDF for transcripts
- 🎤 Support for multiple formats in batch transcription
- 🧠 Added a button to check if LLM is working correctly
- 🌍 Improved internationalization (i18n) support
- 🛠️ Enhanced speaker segment merging for more accurate transcription
- 📝 Added labels to issue report for easier tracking
- 🔧 Fixed Ollama 403 error and improved localhost port handling
- 📝 Add transcript summary tabs for easier navigation
- 🔏 (Self) Code signing on Windows for improved security
- 🌐 Added Spanish (Mexico) translation @EduardoZepeda
- ✨ UI improvements: success toast, transcribe after recording, and better wording enhancements