github the-djmaze/snappymail v2.11.0

latest releases: v2.36.3, v2.36.2, v2.36.1...
2 years ago

This release has an improved handling of BODYSTRUCTURE and messages.
Instead of just returning message HTML or plain text, it will return both (when available).
This is to extend with good features and future PGP improvements.

For now it is only used for two new features:

  1. Settings -> General -> Message view -> Prefer HTML to plain text
  2. Message menu: View HTML/plain toggle

Secondly this release has support for IMAP RFC 3516 BINARY.
This way SnappyMail doesn't have to decode base64/quoted-printable content, instead it is (already) done by the IMAP server itself.


  • Added IMAP RFC 3516 BINARY
  • Added option to prefer HTML to plain text view (default is on), and toggle in message menu.
  • Attempt to solve <a> bugs in HTML emails #187
  • Reduce array loops in MailSo\Imap\BodyStructure
  • Strip utm_* tracking

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