github thanos-io/thanos v0.23.0-rc.1

latest releases: v0.36.0-rc.0, v0.35.1, v0.35.0...
pre-release2 years ago

Fixes couple of critical bugs vs rc.0 (:


  • #4453 Tools thanos bucket web: Add flag --selector.relabel-config-file / --selector.relabel-config / --max-time / --min-time to filter served blocks.
  • #4482 Store: Add http_config option for COS object store client.
  • #4487 Query/Store: Add memcached auto discovery support for all caching clients.
  • #4444 UI: Add search to the Block UI.
  • #4509 Logging: Add duration_ms in int64 to the logs for easier log filtering.
  • #4462 UI: Highlighting blocks overlap in the Block UI.
  • #4469 Compact: Add flag compact.skip-block-with-out-of-order-chunks to skip blocks with out-of-order chunks during compaction instead of halting.
  • #4506 Store: Add Baidu BOS object storage, see documents for further information.
  • #4552 Compact: Add thanos_compact_downsample_duration_seconds histogram metric.
  • #4594 Reloader: Expose metrics in config reloader to give info on the last operation.
  • #4619 Tracing: Added consistent tags to Series call from Querier about number important series statistics: processed.series, processed.samples, processed.samples and processed.bytes. This will give admin idea of how much data each component processes per query.
  • #4623 Query-frontend: Make HTTP downstream tripper (client) configurable via parameters --query-range.downstream-tripper-config and --query-range.downstream-tripper-config-file. If your downstream URL is localhost or then it is strongly recommended to bump max_idle_conns_per_host to at least 100 so that query-frontend could properly use HTTP keep-alive connections and thus reduce the latency of query-frontend by about 20%.


  • #4468 Rule: Fix temporary rule filename composition issue.
  • #4476 UI: Fix incorrect html escape sequence used for '>' symbol.
  • #4532 Mixin: Fix "all jobs" selector in thanos mixin dashboards.
  • #4607 Azure: Fix Azure MSI Rate Limit.


  • #4519 Query: Switch to miekgdns DNS resolver as the default one.
  • #4586 Update Prometheus/Cortex dependencies and implement LabelNames() pushdown as a result; provides massive speed-up for the labels API in Thanos Query.
  • #4421 breaking ⚠️: --store (in the future, to be renamed to --endpoints) now supports passing any APIs from Thanos gRPC APIs: StoreAPI, MetadataAPI, RulesAPI, TargetsAPI and ExemplarsAPI (in oppose in the past you have to put it in hidden --targets, --rules etc flags). --store will now automatically detect what APIs server exposes.
  • #4669 Moved Prometheus dependency to v2.30.

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