github tezos-reward-distributor-organization/tezos-reward-distributor v8.1
Tezos Reward Distributor: Delphi (Update 1)

latest releases: v13.0, v12.0, v11.1...
3 years ago

List of merged pull requests


  • CRITICAL BUG FIX: A bug leading to missing payouts with PRPC has been fixed (see #321)
  • Contributors list is now easier to read
  • Unit testing has been increased, Pytest and flake8 has been introduced
  • Reworked logging mechanism
  • Exception handling and robustness has been increased


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Logging and verbose logging has been improved for easier bug reporting, option: -V need argument {on;off}
  • Package dependencies are automatically installed (introduced due to customer feedback)

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