github testcontainers/testcontainers-java 1.16.3

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2 years ago

What's Changed


Testcontainers 1.16.3 includes many changes, but there are two key highlights in this release:

k3s module (#4582) @rnorth, @kiview

We've had plenty of feedback from users wanting to use Testcontainers to help test Kubernetes components.
In particular, this is useful for people developing Kubernetes controllers/operators, who need something more than just a mocked Kubernetes API.
In this release we're bringing the k3s module, which gives you a neat way to spin up the K3S lightweight Kubernetes inside of a container.
We believe that k3s hits a sweet spot for ease of use and performance, so is a good option for testing Kubernetes components.

Now, launching a lightweight single-node Kubernetes cluster within your tests is easy as:

K3sContainer k3s = new K3sContainer(DockerImageName.parse("rancher/k3s:v1.21.3-k3s1"));

String kubeConfigYaml = k3s.getKubeConfigYaml();
ApiClient client = Config.fromConfig(new StringReader(kubeConfigYaml));

// now use `client` to talk to your cluster!

Check out the docs to find out more!

Selenium 4 compatibility (#4914) @GannaChernyshova, @tobiasstadler, @kiview, @rnorth

Selenium 4 was announced a while back, but we needed to make some changes to Testcontainers' Selenium/Webdriver module for compatibility.
We're happy to announce that these changes have now been made, so you can now use Selenium 4 with Testcontainers!

As part of this upgrade we have to drop compatibility with Selenium 2, but believe that this will not have any practical impact.

🚀 Features & Enhancements

  • [Reusable mode] Don't log about starting container unnecessarily (#4844) @pkubowicz
  • Display Ryuk logs when it fails to start (#4842) @vincz7777
  • [couchbase] Explicitly configure service quotas (and allow customizat… (#4802) @daschl
  • removed hardcoded log level setting on mockserver (#4798) @szymonprz
  • [couchbase] Ignore transient primary index creation error. (#4681) @daschl
  • Execute Docker credential program through shell on Windows (#4763) @mruemeli

🐛 Bug Fixes

📖 Documentation

🧹 Housekeeping

  • Replace jcenter with mavenCentral in all examples (#4931) @kiview
  • Update dependabot rules for new modules (#4864) @rnorth
  • Tweak logging around reusable mode (#4858) @rnorth
  • Add GE remote cache to examples project (#4855) @kiview
  • Increase AzureCI timeout to 120 minutes instead of using the default of 60 minutes (#4854) @kiview
  • Reinstate usage of READ_ONLY_REMOTE_GRADLE_CACHE to avoid wrong cache hits (#4853) @kiview
  • Gradle Enterprise Trial (#4705) @kiview
  • Update GE plugin in examples to 3.6.1 (#4672) @kiview
  • Use key=value format for GRADLE_ENTERPRISE_ACCESS_KEY value (#4671) @kiview
  • Add Gradle Enterprise (#4057) @kiview
  • Use automated PR to update docs version (#4606) @rnorth
  • Add Thundra test summary badge to README (#4604) @rwxdash

📦 Dependency updates

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