github teslamate-org/teslamate v1.21.2

latest releases: v1.29.1, v1.29.0, v1.28.5...
3 years ago

⚠️ NOTE: Any previously stored API refresh tokens will no longer function, as Tesla has deprecated the existing authentication endpoint. Existing access tokens will continue to work until they expire. Eventually, a full login will be needed to obtain new refresh tokens.

To immediately obtain new tokens after upgrading, go to the TeslaMate settings page, sign out via the button at the bottom of the page and then sign in again.

⚠️ NOTE: This release changes TeslaMate's base Docker image to Debian. If you have any customizations on top of TeslaMate (like healthchecks), they could need updates to work on top of this new image.


  • Use the new Tesla authentication endpoint for refreshing access tokens
  • Drop support for the /oauth/token endpoint
  • Add a sign-out button at the bottom of the settings page



  • Display average outside temperature in charges dashboard (#1213 by DrMichael)

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