github terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-apigateway-v2 v5.0.0

one month ago

5.0.0 (2024-06-04)


  • Updates to support websocket API Gateway (#54)



  • Minimum supported Terraform AWS provider raised to v5.37.0 to support recent bug fixes in the provider
  • Default values for api_key_selection_expression, route_selection_expression variables set to null (still matches prior value v4.x version but is set as null now)
  • The input data structure for routes (was integrations) has been updated and now uses optional inputs


  • Support for creating a websocket API endpoint
  • Support for creating Route53 alias records for custom domain names w/ support for multiple sub-domains using a wildcard API Gateway custom domain name
  • Support for creating ACM certificate for custom domain
  • Support for automatically deploying the stage when updates have been made (for Websocket, HTTP is always auto-deployed by the API)


  • Stage access log group settings are now embedded into the stage_access_log_settings variable
  • API mapping is created automatically when using a custom domain
  • Default values of 500 and 1000 have been set for throttling_burst_limit and throttling_rate_limit respectively to ensure users do not face errors when deploying APIs for the first time and not configuring these
  • Default values for the log group name ("/aws/apigateway/${}/${var.stage_name}") and retention period (30) have been provided for the stage access logs log group

See for full list of changes and notes on upgrade path

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